Hey all. Welcome to my interest check. Little abut me: I am a 24 year old nurse. I work nights mostly, and always have wifi through my phone. Which means that there is twelve hours a day when I am more or less available to write. That means that I can and often do respond several times a day. This does not mean, however, that you are required to. From a standpoint of both maturity and limits I have much of the first and few of the second. Violence is fine so long as it makes sense in the streamline of the role play. Swearing is also fine, though please do not make it every other word. I fucking hate fucking people who do shit like that. I do ask for a certain level of writing among my partners. If you are offended by that then this might not be the place for you. But I am tired of writing nine or ten paragraph posts and getting a one liner in return. If that happens I will block you with extreme prejudice. [hider= Genres] *= desire &= plot Fandoms: Fallout***** &(Though only in so much as a basic use of the setting. I would like to build our own world and plot and characters. Leverage** Once Upon A Time **** &(Same as Fallout) The Order: 1886 (ditto Fallout and Once Upon A Time) Overall Themes: Post Apocolypse********& Modern--Mafia** Modern-- Fantasy, similiar to Dresden Files***& Modern-- Odd Pairing ****&&& Modern Dystopic*****&& Medieval Fantasy*****&& Smugglers****& Pirates**** Futuristic****& Letter/Message Based****& Suggest. I am always adding things as they catch my interest [/hider] Pm me if you have any questions, or want to hear my plots.