Sophie was still peeking out of her room as more doors in the corridor were opened. Glancing to her right, she was able to see the man from earlier make his way back. It was impossible to make a sudden movement to close the door without him noticing at this point. The sound of his boots hitting the floor got louder and it stopped in front of her door. "Morn'n ma'am," his voice could be heard directly outside. She was still unsure whether or not he noticed her door was slightly open.[i]Did he not see me..?[/i] "Mah, ain't yew jist the purtiest thang?" He seemed to be conversing with another player. Sophie sighed in relief and decided to take this chance to close her door. Unfortunately before anything was possible, the pressure of the man leaning against it could be felt. [i]Oh, this isn't good..[/i] Sophie pushed against the door instead to attempt to balance it out, not allowing the man to feel the door close behind him. However, her weak arms gave in and the door shut. "..." Sophie backed up and waited silently.