Miles rested his cheek against a fist, his eyes never leaving Christa as she gave away a bit more of her past. It became clear to him why the woman had such a conviction about treating anthros right, but there was still enough room for doubt in his mind to make him take everything with a grain of salt. Even though her facial expression clearly indicated sadness and sorrow, some sort of instinct nagged at him to not trust her wholeheartedly and keep on his toes for the smallest of inconsistent behavior. "I'm sorry to hear that you've been through all that. You really are looking to crack some heads." He said with half a voice, dropping the whole comical cordiality in the trash bin. He looked down at his fingers as he began to twirl them together in a windmill motion, clearly processing something through his mind. It was either or that, or he was covering his face, trying to hide his own sorrow, his own weakness. "Well. If I knew where they sent everyone off, I wouldn't be sitting here, right? I'm one of the "Lucky 137" folk that got to stay behind and make ourselves useful for the human community; by useful, I mean labor, poor education and poverty conditions. To me, this isn't a sensitive subject to talk about, I have enough things to say about it, but I'd rather not flap my muzzle out here in the open, I'd might get shot by a supremacist; not that someone would actually miss me, but I don't want to die without taking another look at your nice hind. I can die peacefully after that, though." He tried to recover from the dark place his mind inadvertently fell in at the mention of the harrowing night the anthro populace was selected. "I've also searched about it. Much like you, I've lost something, but I fear I will never win it back; I do want some sort of closure, though. Just find out where they've been all taken. I mean, the usual answer 'they have been assigned to different parts of the country and the world to work in suitable facilities for their talents' just doesn't cut it, especially because no one tried to contact anyone back home." He leaned in, looking left and right, to make sure no one dangerous was eavesdropping on the conversation; if it were a regular 'flesho[sup]1[/sup]', he'd be more than glad to crack a skull, he needed to vent some anger on a target. "I fear they've been taken to a place worse than a factory, or anything the like. My gut tells me it's a concentration camp, like the Nazis had nearly a century ago: work for food in poor conditions and worse treatment, but the government covers it all and hides the mess under the rug so they can push the agenda of humanity supremacy over the anthrokind. Fuel that with proxy conflicts, with our race being forced to take less-than-respectable-or-legal-jobs and just the general mood and opinion about us and hey presto, a lot of money, supporters and recognition. The elections are knocking at the door, after all, and I can assure you that no true American will vote for a pansy "zoophile"." Miles retread his head, checking his surroundings again for any threat. "Great. First date in, we're already talking politics. Tomorrow, you can expect a ring and a prenuptial agreement: you get to keep me on a leash, but I can go poopy in your toilet as an exchange." "But seriously, I don't know if we're ever going to get any official info on anything about the Selection. Dig too deep and we'll have feds sniffing our butts. Speak too loudly and the CIA shoots us down. Support the opposition and all hell breaks loose. For a first date, though, let's just settle with burgers, poopy and leg huming, eh?" Although he tried his best to hide his own worry and personal vendetta, there were enough hints on his expression to tell that he was emotionally attached to the whole situation and very passionate about finding justice. He felt some hint of regret building up at the back of his throat, realizing he confessed his beliefs to a human, practically, the enemy. Even if Christa was a nice enough lady, she was still a bare-skinned humanoid. [i][sup]1[/sup] Flesho = Anthrofolk slang attributed to the Neo-Nazi subculture which strongly supports anthro intolerance and segregation.[/i]