[center] [img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/53/ce/f3/53cef3fb42bb8cdb2942b1e549e192d7.jpg[/img] [B]| [I]NAME:[/I] [/b] Aria Smoll [B]| [I]ALIAS:[/I] |[/B] Bit-Girl [B]| [I]ABILITIES/SKILLS/EQUIPMENT:[/I] |[/B] [u]Equipment[/u] -Enchanted Super Nintendo -Two plug n' play consoles -Only one game cartridge so far, Super Mario Bros. -White cat backpack that holds said consoles with a special 'cubby' area to strap in the console currently in use [u]Abilities [/u] -Utilage of a games main character's abilities after plugging in the console on the back of her neck [u]Super Mario Bros.[/u] A high jump that increases in force as she comes down with the power to crush someone easily underfoot. Comes with a false mustache and red cap. Ingesting things in the area that are similar to the game will result in the designated power-up for a short period of time. I.e. Mushrooms to increase her size and thus the force of her jump. There are many exceptions to this rule, one of which being a hammer [u]Plug n' Play Ms. Pacman[/u] In the area of a battle, there would be a hidden item that requires MUCH looking for that would significantly weaken the power of an enemy, though she's never, eheh... ever found what the item might be... Comes with cute red boots, small red bow in her hair and slightly increased speed... but unfortunately she can't stop walking around no matter how hard she tries. In the case that she is NOT in a battle... it helps her to eat down extraneous quantities of food with no consequence [u]Plug n' Play Spiderman[/u] Because there is no Spiderman in this DC world. Spider-who? Gives her increased agility, the ability to easily lift objects twice her weight. Comes with red dress with black webbing designs over it and a white whip she is able to use against enemies and to grab onto the oddly plentiful amount of hooks just hanging around to swing her way to safety if necessary [B]| [I]LIMITATIONS AND WEAKNESSES:[/I] |[/B] -The consistent upkeep and preservation of the cartridges -Having to protect her backpack where the SNES and consoles are stored -Essentially powerless without the consoles (at this point in time) -Frequently deals with glitches, and if her care of the consoles aren't kept up there is a risk of her entire self glitching... Plot for later? Why yes, thank you. [b]| [i]SAMPLE POST:[/i] |[/b] [i]"FRIDAY, FRIDAY, FRIDAY! THE ALL NEW HYPERDRAULIC PLAYBOX IS HERE WITH REMASTERED VERSIONS OF COLLEGE DUTY 4 AND FALLAFEL FANTASY 7!"[/i] Aria could practically feel her eyes sparkling as she stopped her chopsticks halfway to her mouth from her cup-o-noodles. She sat with her legs awkwardly crossed as she sat in front of her old scratched up television in the light of her tiny apartment. The television blared loudly about where and when the Playbox would be in stores and as the pink haired girl stared on, her noodles dropped from her wooden chopsticks back into the cup and caused the broth to slightly splash up and spray just beneath her chin. Aria didn't even bother to take note of this and was frozen in a mix of joy and dread. Overhead, the light flickered and turned off. Swiftly following, so did the microwave in the kitchen and then television. Even as the darkness settled around the apartment, there was still enough light filtering in from the world outside for her to see the small mountain of bills shoved under the door leading out into the hall of the apartment building she lived in. She set her cup of noodles down and looked up at the light fixture above her in mild annoyance before she got up and dusted herself off. In her loose fitting t-shirt and shorts she walked to the window which looked down on to the street many stories below and pushed her hands to the glass, her eyes dull. Behind her, on the coffee table she had set her cup of noodles down on, a newspaper lay open with various listings circled in red ink. Perhaps she would have better luck today. One of her hands clenched into a fist as she stared at the sidewalk below. Perhaps she would... She got dressed in a hurry, grabbed her empty white cat backpack and her newspaper before running out the door with a grin on her face. Hey, even if she couldn't land a job, she could still sell the couch! [b]| [i]NOTES:[/i] |[/b] -Bought her SNES from one of those artsy tarot-reading shops that make most of their profit on colorful rocks, and didn't think twice as to why it was there, only that it was super cheap (who would want to buy a SNES from a magic shop?) and that she wanted it as soon as she laid eyes on it. -The Plug n' Play Consoles were her own before hand, Super Mario Bros. came with the SNES -No fighting discipline and wants to learn how, but so far all of the senseis or fighting masters she's had has lost patience with her and quit -After her parents died, it was just her and her older brother for a long time before he disappeared. She's had to take care of herself since then. -Before his disappearance, He and Aria would play video games all the time on the latest consoles, but as time went on they all had to be sold to support their lifestyle, leaving them console-less. -Somewhat of a ditz, it's hard for her to keep a job and she's too moral to steal (but is not above borrowing without asking) -And thus, it's hard for her to scrounge up the money to buy SNES game cartridges. Those things are practically collectors items these days! -Yes this is a magical girl, Yes, I have no shame[/center]