Fallout: Never played it. Didn't stop me from doing an RP as a water-merchant that ran across a sole-survivor from s destroyed/enslaved tribal-village. Questing and side-quests ensued. 1886: Probably same. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/80746-to-end-all-wars-ww1-zombie-outbreak/ooc]Just a guess[/url]. Although I did read various volumes from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and found that concept rather appealing. Leverage/It takes a thief/Burn Notice: Basically, good-guy anti-hero espionage-thriller that doesn't spoon-feed all the thinking-bits and glaze-over the action. Once Upon a Time... Good concept to chuck every fairy-tale into the same world and see what happens, people been doing that since '95 (Gargoyles, 10th Kingdom, etc) and it seems to hold a strong following. -Only problem is keeping track of all the canonical-material and deciding which bits to dismiss as blatant lies and which are legit to the RP, and how to stretch the remaining bits of story to fit. Being heavy on [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CanonFodder]canon-fodder[/url], I tend to avoid it. Annd then I wake-up and realize it said to send a PM... oh well, [i]free-bump[/i].