[@tsukune] Valarie raised her eyebrows at he first question, she thought that it was a bit peculiar that he would just ask a random stranger to have breakfast with him but she figured she might as well give it a shot, especially according that she wasn't exactly the most popular person ever. [color=00a651]"Okay, sure. I'm Valarie, grandchild of Athena on my father's side and Morpheus on my mother's side. Why didn't you like the Chronos cabin? I hear that it's totally decked out with clocks, anyway, I stay in the Morpheus cabin. You know, the one that's that boring grey colour and has those beautiful, edible flowers at the front, which I suggest you don't eat. One, because it makes my cousin angry thanks to him looking after them so carefully and two, because they will make you sleep for a [i]very[/i] long time."[/color]