[h1][center]Jo-Anne[/center][/h1] "But what about the man and women?", Jo-Anne shouted out. With the Risen swarm that was now visible, she knew the two couldn't survive long on their own, especially with the woman clearly unarmed. Someone was going to have to get them out. The myrmidon from earlier had come back, and the rest weren't even trying. That left it up to her. Therefore the Taguel activated her beaststone, to the astonishment of her new friends, and galloped toward the duo on the hill."Get on, both of you," she called out to them. "Are you sure you can carry both of us?" said the woman. "Only one sure way to find out,"Jo-Anne replied [i]Gabranth choose not to be picked up[/i] Now this was a pickle. The woman would definitely need to get to safety,but the man couldn't survive completely unaided. Though if the Risen could be stalled until the woman was safe..."You better go on ahead,"Jo-Anne finally said, "I'll stay with him until you get to safety." Then as the woman ran off, the Taguel stood by the man and attacked the closest Risen. [hr] Jo-Anne: 10 SPD=5 actions Activated Beaststone(free action, used 1 use out of 50, 49 left) Ran 22 spaces(2 actions) Moved beside Gabranth (1 action) Attacked Risen up to 2 times (2 actions)