Alan watched as the boy slowly regained his wits, so far it appeared that he was gonna be alright. [i][color=Turquoise]Sweet! No mopping up vomit today![/color][/i] Alan thought while allowing a small smile to creep across his face, the kid had already managed to impress Alan. However the boy was about to impress Alan further, by actually managing to gather himself enough to speak. [color=skyblue]"I'm Justin and yeah neck snapping would have been bad. Now, um if you don't mind. What the fuck? What the hell are meta? Where am I? How did I get here? Why would my brains have been everywhere? Who is Epsilon? What the fuck is with the Greek alphabet code names? And no I don't want one."[/color] "[color=turquoise]Pleasure to make your acquaintance Justin! Now to answer your questions in order. What do you mean "What the fuck?"? Meta are what we are. Someplace safe. I carried you here. Cause Phi would have shot your sorry ass. My partner-in-crime. I'm not sure, Pops thought of it quite some time ago. Nice, more for me![/color] The microwave had dinged in the middle of Alan speaking, signaling that his pockets of "meat" were finished cooking. He quickly spun around and grabbed a paper plate from on top of the microwave. Alan reached into the microwave and placed the two hot pockets on his plate. Sitting down he eagerly took a bite of the first pocket. "[color=Turquoise]Oh mother fu-[/color]", he spat the steaming bite onto his plate. Justin seemed unamused with both Alan's half-assed answers and the fact the grown man had just burned his tongue on a hot pocket. With a sigh he turned his attention away from his food and back to Justin. "[color=Turquoise]I guess you want some better answers. Okay. Meta are what we are, and what Epsilon and the yahoos are downstairs are. We're people that, for some reason, either Pops or Omega chose to give a sliver of their power to. When those powers actually kick in varies from person to person. I've heard of little shits that have almost vaporized their mothers on their way into the world to old folks who start levitating on their death beds. However a vast majority of us realize that we're special between the ages of 13 and 20. For your next question I'm going to retain my previous answer, I nabbed you in the parking lot of that mall and carried you here. Phi was waiting for you in that mall. He's a higher-up on the Omega side of things. His job is to snuff out young metas before they have the chance to take up arms against Omega. So if you would have set foot in there he would have ended your life without hesitation.[/color]" Alan paused for a moment, not sure how much Justin actually needed to know. After some contemplation he continued his explanation. "[color=Turquoise]Epsilon and I are both good guys. We've been working together to get to young metas before Phi can. Which reminds me...[/color]" Alan darted forward, sticking his hands into Justin's pockets and removing his cell phone. He threw the device on the floor, and stamped on it multiple times. All of this occurred within a fraction of a second. "[color=Turquoise]Sorry about that, Epsilon has a rule against internet-enabled devices in the base. Now I have one more question for you. Are you gonna stick around here and join the fight, or do you wanna head back to town and try your luck with Phi?[/color]"