[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/EaFPHNN.png[/img] [h1]Maya Ramos[/h1] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]"People couldn't become truly holy, he said, unless they also had the opportunity to be definitively wicked."[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/center] Personal Info -- Label: ◥ Alternate: Maya ◥ Aliases: None ◥ Job: Gardener -- Age: 20 -- Gender: Female ◥ Sexuality: Bisexual -- Type: Anyone. She's not entirely picky. Prefers women. -- Look: ◥ Hair: Blue. Naturally black. ◥ Eyes: Green ◥ Height: 5'3 ◥ Weight: 120 -- Souvenirs: Psychological Info -- Persona: ◥ Alignment: Chaotic Good ◥ Interests: Botany, conspiracy theories, bird watching. ◥ Likes: ◥ Dislikes: ◥ Quirks: Inventory -- Fashion: ◥ Head: ◥ Body: ◥ Legs: ◥ Feet: -- Inventory: ◥ Primary: ◥ Primary Company: ◥ Secondary: ◥ Armor: WIP