[@Argetlam350] Béatrix was right, one of them did eventually break the silence. [i]“I’m just a bringer of bad omens,”[/i] he began, [i]’pfft, you can say that again…’[/i] she thought to herself. [i]“Besides, I was having a good time until I saw you grinding against your dinner.”[/i] Now that made her truly smile, so those [i]were[/i] jealous vibes she was picking up earlier. “Awwe,” she kissed her teeth a little, “Just because you wear my name on your wrist, doesn’t mean I’m yours. You’ll never have all of me.” Trixy said with a hint of a warning in her tone. Without her permission, the thought that he would have at least some part of her, haunted her mind. “Besides, not all of us can hunt like beasts. And rich pricks don’t taste any better than the average human. Plus, I can’t very well eat my neighbors.” She said the last part in a whispered tone. Although most supernaturals were now ‘out of the closet’ so-to-speak, humans didn’t take to kindly to the vampire diet, naturally. Trixy tried to concentrate on anything else but the wolf beside her. She should probably leave. It was like someone else was using her body, since when would she ever walk willingly to a barstool and sit right next to a lycanthrope? But still, she couldn’t help but see from the corner of her eye, the way he was looking at her, the thick scent of lust rolling of him. The whole bar reeked of it, but it was like he was the only one there all of the sudden. Maybe it was the blood on her tongue, or the heated atmosphere, or maybe just pure curiosity, but Béatrix looked at him with bold blue eyes and said: “Kiss me.” Succinct, it was more of a demand than a question.