[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1b/03/d7/1b03d738feb3f66f53b258c97c09bde0.jpg[/img] The fissure of Capasia A War in the Pokemon World RP[/center] In a world normally full of love and companionship, where humans and pokemon act in harmony, Capasia was a land torn in two ravaged by a war started two years before. The war started by a Militant group that felt pokemon were tools to rule with. They quickly took over the northern half of the continent before moving towards the south. The Government though would not accept then and engaged the Northern Capasians in a grueling war that neither side seemed to be making any ground as they continued to decimate each others troops. That is when the Southern Government decided to opt in a draft program for Pokemon Trainers. All trainers from ages sixteen to twenty would have to partake in a region wide event where within one year they would travel to 10 gyms set up by the military and ran by the best pokemon trainers in different types. Any who failed to complete the task within the set year or did not defeat at least one pokemon of each gym leader would be sent to the front lines to act as line infantry along with their pokemon. This fate was one that was considerably dangerous due to the danger involved. Those that did complete the task would be sent to a special training regiment to make up the best of the best that the south had to give so that they could embark on special operations that would give the southern Government the upper hand. [hr] In this RP you will be playing the part of one of the trainers from the town of Ardio. A relatively small town near the larger town of Treveca. You will get to choose one pokemon and begin your journey with several others of your age area who are all starting on their journey due to the draft enforced by the government. Will you go along with the government’s wishes and pit your pokemon against the Gym Leaders to gain status and join the special operations? Or will you rebel as you find love in your pokemon and your wish to keep them out of a path that could lead to their and your violent deaths. The choice is yours. Things of Note/Rules This pokemon RP will have mature themes. It won’t be all doom and gloom though I plan to have some fun light hearted moments. All characters must be between the ages 16 and 20. No relations to Canon Characters from the show or games. There will be dark moments in this RP and even some sad ones. If you can’t handle this variation of the normal Pokemon stories this probably isn’t for you. No sex >: ( i mean.. Sure it’s fun and stuff but NOT IN THE RP god pervs. I am only looking for at most six players plus me. Gotta Catch Them all! Or be SHOT! Just kidding.. Anyways if you are interested please say so! Questions are also welcome.