[center][img]http://i60.tinypic.com/o7ra87.jpg[/img] [color=7bcdc8][h3]Akagawa Jin[/h3][/color] [hr][/center] [i]"That's it! The primal force of the cosmos! Come on! Let me have it!" "You're pushing the boy too hard!" "Nonsense! This is nothing compared to what's to come!"[/i] Jin rolled out of bed, and the sound of his forehead hitting the floor woke him. He roused slowly, his bleary eyes opening to the steady, blue light of his monitor and the faint stream of sunlight sneaking in from the crack in his heavy curtains. Jin slowly sat up, still rubbing his eyes and smacking his lips. Eventually he decided to open his eyes again, groggy and contemplating going back to sleep. He shrugged off that thought, though, and rose to his feet. Untangling himself from his bedclothes, Jin went about his morning routine; brushed his teeth (though his electric toothbrush scared him), combed his hair (though it got stuck in his matted curls), and washed his face (though the water was cold and unpleasant). He then wormed his way into the nearest hoodie he could find and pulled on a pair of shorts that seemed clean. Set and ready for the day. Alright, now he needed something to wake up. Hitting the remote to his stereo system, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X38iH5VbD1I]a soft groove[/url] played through his dark, dusty room at a gentle volume. He made his way to his mini-fridge, stepping gingerly over piles of comic books, food scraps and wrappers, and assorted computer parts scattered about. The fridge was EMP-shielded, a job Jin had quite proudly done himself, keeping his food safe if he suffered bouts of power incontinence. Jin rummaged through it, looking for some kind of sugary, caffeinated beverage to start his morning. Unfortunately, there were none to be found. Jin groaned in a deeply disappointed sort of way. This meant that he would have to leave his room and see people. He had scarcely left his room through the entirety of the summer, and he wasn't eager to go out and have to look and be looked at by anyone outside. Not that many people roamed the school during the summer; most went home. Jin was one of the few students that stayed at Star Ocean over the summer months, not having any home on record to return to. He had roommates throughout the bulk of the year, but had free reign over the dormitory room during the summer months as they lived with their families. Either way, Jin had to begin the arduous task of leaving his sanctum to venture out for supplies. While he was at it, he made a note of what else he needed. Microwavable pasta, triple-A batteries, and bath salts were all in short supply as well, it seemed. Nothing that couldn't be righted by making a short trip over to the shopette. Most students received an allowance from their parents to afford such amenities. Jin was not so fortunate; rather, he made his pocket money by manipulating the value of certain online cryptocurrencies, and then laundered them into more worthwhile tender through a series of commodity investment funds. When he wanted something expensive or if the market was bad, he scrounged up cash by working as an internet psychic, but he preferred not to prostitute himself in that manner. Jin pulled on his usual pair of ratty Chuck Taylors and made his way out of the dormitory building, locking his door behind him with his cardkey. The sunlight was as oppressive as ever at this time of year. Jin pulled up his hood to shield his eyes from the sun; the heat he didn't mind as much as the brightness. He also sunburned easily, given that his complexion could be easily described as "whole milk." The island seemed unusually populated as well. Was there some kind of special occasion today? Jin was clueless. All the more reason to keep a low profile. Jin sunk further into his hoodie to hide his face, and scurried along to the campus shop to get his shopping trip over and done with.