[center][IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/30wbihl.jpg[/IMG] [color=6ecff6][h3]Mizuki Misaki[/h3][/color] [hr][/center] "[color=6ecff6]Whew, the summer is ending and now I have a lot of light novels to read. Heck, a total of 50 or so books could be overkill, but where's the point in buying them if it doesn't seem good? I could give a series to someone if I ever think a book is not suited for me anyway, and I could say I bought enough books to not go out and buy another for at least three months. Anyway... Why is the train car filled with boys? Some boys look intimidating just like the bullies...[/color]" The black-haired boy looked around the train car he was in, filled with boys just like he stated. He could see the sun shining brightly and acting as an antithesis to the boy's somewhat negative emotion while the sea attempted to reflect his emotion by looking like it's blue even though it's not - an almost replication of the boy's mood, if not for the fact he actually had a minor negative emotion. Not only the car was filled with boys, but also his summer break - or time to buy various stuff that might or might not be used, as how he used the time. During the summer break, Mizuki headed back to his home in a city in western Tokyo, not affiliated with most of the city hijinks in the eastern part of the metropolis. While some people would see it as a win-lose situation as the metropolis were more active than any other part of Japan, the boy saw it as a win-win situation, as the author of one of the light novels he has read was born there, and the city wasn't shy about promoting it. Additionally, he could see all the animes he were interested in there, making it a nice place for him to call as a home, with the added advantage of Akihabara being in his reach. "[color=6ecff6][i]Anyway, let's go back to the school, and maybe beat some people up with my hands while getting all the girls... just like a protagonist of one of the light novels I read.[/i][/color]" Mizuki thought to talk to himself inside his head as the train came closer to the island, which meant that he would be learning how to use his ability for the second time while romancing some of the girls that looked pretty to him - which meant most of the girls to him, since he had a wide defence range for girls. Once the train finally arrived at the station, Mizuki got off the train just like the others, creating a tide of people heading to their dorms, which meant trying to attract a girl would end with a lot of girls and other boys staring at him. "[color=6ecff6]Anyway, let's see what The Whales got - and get some of them if it's possible. Regardless of their status: newcomers or not, it doesn't matter, as girls are mostly friendly to me.[/color]" On his way to his room after the tide has split to at least four, he could see some familiar faces overtaking him regardless of the gender. While his behavior ended up turning some girls off, he did not care as they aren't the only girls on the school, so they could be ignored. After having to ignore several nice-looking girls to not stop the tide, he finally managed to reach his room before putting the paper bag near his bed to use as a bookshelf, just like other books he bought. "[color=6ecff6]Guess I should get a proper bookshelf.[/color]" He started putting some of the paper bags near the bed under the bed, before walking out of his room. "[color=6ecff6]Anyway... my romantic story begins here; Let's search for the girls to date. It's not like I'll be in this school forever, so let's do everything before it ends.[/color]" He said to himself as he started his search.