Thanks to the inhuman might of the Heroes, the first wave was almost like a fly swatted in the presence of a human. [h3]Wave 2 - Orcs[/h3] Enemies: 36 From the main entrance came 5 Orcs with shortswords and leather armor, 5 Orcish bowmen and 1 Orcish Raiser; wearing black robes with red stripes in certain places. The mage Orc held a black staff with a ruby gem on its head. As the Orcish swordsmen charged forth and the bowmen took aim, the Raiser stood behind the archers and merely observed. From the first entrance on the right side, 5 Orcs came forth wielding battle axes and leather armor and 2 Orcish bowmen who took aim as soon as they saw the party. From the first entrance on the left side, 5 Orcs came forth wielding battle axes and leather armor and 3 Orcish bowmen who took aim as soon as they saw the party.