[color=aquamarine][center][h2]Aya[/h2][/center][/color] Aya couldn't help but step back again when the stranger (knight? He'd called her 'my lady' four times in the last two minutes, and was wearing a full suit of armor in [i]Los Angeles[/i]. He seemed pretty serious about the knight thing.) held up his ands. It was no doubt meant to be a calming gesture, but fear still pumped through her veins like blood. She flinched when he said she was the cause of this. There went her anonymity. But this man seemed… nice? At least, he didn't seem as psychopathic or murderous as Edge, though that wasn't saying much. She'd reacted out of pure fear, but now that she had this moment to take everything in, he seemed ok. Her heart still pounded in her throat, and her ears rang with the sound of gunfire… but sense slowly leaked back to her. Her gaze darted around as he patiently asked his very reasonable questions. Still not looking at him, she finally opened her mouth to answer. [color=aquamarine]"I'm sorry,"[/color] she blurted out in a rush. Her eyes flicked up to him, gauging his response before quickly darting away again. [color=aquamarine]"I–… I didn't mean to…"[/color] She ran a hand through her hair and risked looking up at him again. Goodness, he was tall. [color=aquamarine]"The… constellation you're standing in. That's us – our bodies, I mean. We're still on the street."[/color] She looked away to see the shimmering outlines of buildings around them. [color=aquamarine]"That's the salon,"[/color] she said, gesturing to a shorter cluster of stars, tinted pink, [color=aquamarine]"and that bookstore that only stocks volumes in Russian,"[/color] she said, pointing at another. Aya pulled her arms around herself, searching for anything to focus on aside from the man she'd revealed herself to. She could still hear the muffled sounds of chaos even from beyond the veil. The situation at the Center for Humans no doubt devolving even more. Whoever this knight was, he was [i]fast[/i] and in the few moments he'd had before she'd freaked out on him, he'd carried her almost an entire block away by now. But it likely wouldn't be far enough to escape whatever was going on. Their bodies would be sitting ducks, his shining armor like a beacon. She knew they had to go back. But that meant touching this man and activating her power again. She chewed her lip a moment before drawing out her hand, holding it out. [color=aquamarine]"I can put us back,"[/color] she said, looking down again. But she made no move to close the distance between them.