Danica perked a brow slightly but listened, sighing slightly as she leaned back in her seat. “No, not basing everything off what I have seen on TV but just making a general analysis of the situation. The CDC back in the states even has a Zombie Survival Guide up on their website, it’s all in fun of course, but it gives basic survival information that can be used in all situations. With the movies and TV, their more like a long list of possibilities, none of us know what can and will happen. Just felt it was best to be prepared for the worst,” she said as she leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table. “Tokyo has a big population, not going to lie, that worries me. Everyone out there is a potential Zombie and the potential for a big hoard is all I am saying. I’ve always been more comfortable on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere. Doesn’t mean I am going to be an idiot and go trekking into the wilderness, even if I have climbed here in Japan before,” she said trying to explain her view on things without causing issue. “And even if we did leave, we would need to as a group and with healthy people that are healed and trained up a bit on survival in general. Her ankle, his foot, that kind of puts a damper on a lot no matter what we plan.” “Now, if you want to set up rice paddys here, that sounds like a good idea. Would take a lot of water though is my only concern, so goes back to some type of water catch and filtration system. With the fish, we could dry them out to preserve them better, same with other meats, so we wouldn’t have to worry about spoilage. Also along with the rice, might want to look into cultivating a type of bean as well. Together they would provide an overall base diet of both calories and protein, something we are going to need.” She said before looking over at Sean and sighing deeply, that man was either going to end up killing himself or be the cause of someone else if he didn’t start paying more attention and toughen up some.