[color=ed145b]Baa![/color] Fine with her. The little lamb turned tail, quite literally, and trotted along to the sliding doors-- and to her credit, barged right through the paper. She had no hands, but she had very dependable horns, much to the silent amusement of Miki and Jin. However, it was a sigh that fled their horses mouth, and the dark eyes that followed to the floor were heavy, already worn from the day. At least they got off being soaked. [color=f26522]"School, huh? I wonder why he wants us there. That's a huge risk to take-- maybe he's just thinking of more ways to make us miserable. At least it gets us out of here for a while. I think we should make it a habit to stick together even if it's just at lunch and break."[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"I got out of bed this morning, and meticulously placed buckets of water above selected door-ways, for him to saunter in, tell me I'm going to school, and saunter out?... I'm going back to bed." [/color]What a waste of mischief it was. Something like that had to be fixed, and thus, the dragon turned to his favourite kitty, bland. Monotonous. [color=9e0b0f]"So. While I decide what colour of contacts I'm getting for school. I just remembered, Akemi. I'm staying over at your house. Right now, in fact."[/color] Jin had spoken, and what Jin wanted, Jin got, don'cha know. The room was slowly emptying, anyway. Fen had left, silently and without a word, grudging this choice from their God, no doubt. He was sure this illness would need a long, slow recovery, suddenly. How could their God do this to them-- no. How could he do this to [i]him[/i]? He'd been nothing but loyal. That was his purpose, so why this act of dis-abandonment? [color=a36209]"Eh, sounds fun. Sounds like an excuse to get out and see the city." [/color]Steal things from the city, most likely. No one would immediately point the finger at him for blame, he had a new lease on life, or so it felt! A part of him considered just... never coming back. That would have been great.. [color=a36209]"Maybe we'll be in the same class, Chiyo~! You gotta stop goin' in moods with me, or I won't let you copy my homework."[/color] Oh. Wow. Much threat. It would have been more of a deal if he'd considered not stealing pencils from her, but alas. The small lad leapt up onto his feet and saw himself out without another word, a cheeky wave sent Akemi's way. [color=a36209]"Have fun with your sleep-over with Jin!"[/color] Kid was getting ganged on today. [color=9e0b0f]"Oh, he will."[/color] Apparently, Akemi wasn't going to get a word in, either. Not with Jin sidling up to him as usual. [color=9e0b0f]"I'm gonna push girls into you so you 'poof.'"[/color] Jin talk for transform, and a silent promise that Akemi's life was going to get just that little tougher. [color=9e0b0f]"Let's see how your kitty-reflexes serve you, eh whiskers?"[/color] Oh yes, school was going to be a riot for one of the zodiacs. [color=9e0b0f]"Oh, also. Like, I caught this cute Pokemon yesterday-- I named her after you, cause she reminded me so much of you. She's a Munna."[/color] Possibly the most feminine pokemon Jin could have ran into-- and he loved it. Not that his face belied his enjoyment, he always looked serious, no matter what the endeavour of mischief he was creating. [color=9e0b0f]"But in all seriousness, can I crash at yours? With Mewlyn?"[/color] His little cat that he doted over constantly.[color=9e0b0f] "Me and dad had an argument over her. She was sailing down the curtain claws first, but she's a cat. She does that. You know, right? You're BASICALLY a cat after all. So. You know. Let us stay until that blows over, yeah?" [/color]Jin never had a very good relation with his father. He was... a strict one. Occasionally, a violent one too, when pushed over the edge. That, being Jin's speciality, it was no wonder they rarely got through a day without incident.