The team are engaging the [i]Hell's Bitches[/i] on the bank rooftop, which is currently creaking under the pressures of the damage it's taken. Sigma's overclocked systems working at high speed push him faster than anyone can track. Focussing on the sound waves rippling around him the robotic suit quickly calculates a counter-wave and sends out a pulse to nullify the noise. [indent][indent][b]Sigma[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Sigma[/b] is currently [i][b]Exposed[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]-8 Defence[/color] [b]Sigma[/b] is currently [i][b]Overclocked[/b][/i]! (2/2) - Sigma's actions are resolved first each round, he may act twice each round [b]Sigma[/b] is currently [i][b]Downbeat[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]-2 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]-2 Attack[/color] [b]Sigma[/b] sends out a low strength [i][b]Sonic Pulse[/b][/i] in all directions [color=fff200]-6 Energy[/color]:[indent][b]Thrash[/b] is currently [i][b]Shocked[/b][/i]! (3/3) - [color=00ccff]-3 Defence[/color] [b]Thrash[/b] is currently [i][b]Shocked[/b][/i]! (2/3) - [color=00ccff]-3 Defence[/color] [b]Thrash[/b] is currently [i][b]Concealed[/b][/i]! (1/1) - cannot be directly targeted by any attacks or abilities [b]Thrash[/b] is hit by [b]Sigma's[/b] [i][b]Sonic Pulse[/b][/i] for [color=ff0000]4 Attack[/color], [color=00ccff]4 Defence[/color], [color=00ff00]0 Health[/color] loss. [b]Thrash[/b] is now [i][b]Stunned[/b][/i] for one turn! - cannot attack or activate any abilities[/indent][i]Overclocked[/i]:[indent][b]Sigma[/b] opens fire with all his weapon on full auto into the cloud cover:[indent][b]Thrash[/b] is missed by [b]Sigma's[/b] ranged attack: [i]Concealed[/i]![/indent][/indent][i]Heavy Weapon[/i]: bonus 5 XP![/indent][/indent] Momentarily stunned by Sigma's sonic assault Thrash's hands hover in the air eerily still as the echoes of her 'music' die away across the rooftop. [indent][indent][b]Thrash[/b] recovers [color=ffff00]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Thrash[/b] is no longer [i][b]Shocked[/b][/i]! [b]Thrash[/b] is currently [i][b]Shocked[/b][/i]! (3/3) - [color=00ccff]-3 Defence[/color] [b]Thrash[/b] is current [i][b]Beatdown[/b][/i] x2! [b]Thrash[/b] is currently [i][b]Energised[/b][/i]! (1/1) - [b]Thrash[/b] recovers [color=ffff00]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Thrash[/b] is currently [i][b]Concealed[/b][/i]! (1/1) - cannot be directly targeted by any attacks or abilities [b]Thrash[/b] is current [i][b]Stunned[/b][/i]! (1/1) - unable to attack or use abilities this turn [b]Rocksmith[/b] is no longer [i][b]Downbeat[/b][/i]! [b]Bumblebee[/b] is no longer [i][b]Downbeat[/b][/i]! [b]Brick[/b] is no longer [i][b]Downbeat[/b][/i]! [b]Flare[/b] is no longer [i][b]Downbeat[/b][/i]! [b]Heretic[/b] is no longer [i][b]Downbeat[/b][/i]! [b]Sigma[/b] is no longer [i][b]Downbeat[/b][/i]! [b]Psy-Warp[/b] is no longer [i][b]Downbeat[/b][/i]! [b]Deimos[/b] is no longer [i][b]Downbeat[/b][/i]! [b]Void[/b] is no longer [i][b]Downbeat[/b][/i]! [b]Vex[/b] is no longer [i][b]Downbeat[/b][/i]! [b]Nightingale[/b] is no longer [i][b]Downbeat[/b][/i]![/indent][/indent] Brick lobs the Cheerleader's somewhat sticky 'model rocketship' in Thrash general direction through the thick, billowing cloud of CO[sup]2[/sup]. [indent][indent][b]Brick[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Brick[/b] is currently [i][b]Armoured[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]+3 Defence[/color] [b]Brick[/b] is currently [i][b]Armoured[/b][/i]! (1/3) - [color=00ccff]+5 Defence[/color] [b]Brick[/b] is currently [i]Shielding[/i] [b]Psy-Warp[/b], actively defending her against [b]Heretic[/b] - All attacks by [b]Heretic[/b] targeting [b]Psy-Warp[/b] hit [b]Brick[/b] instead [b]Brick[/b] uses [i]'Model Rocketship'[/i] to attack [b]Thrash[/b]:[indent][b]Thrash[/b] is currently [i][b]Shocked[/b][/i]! (3/3) - [color=00ccff]-3 Defence[/color] [b]Thrash[/b] is currently [i][b]Concealed[/b][/i]! (1/1) - cannot be directly targeted by any attacks or abilities [b]Thrash[/b] is missed by [b]Brick's[/b] ranged attack: [i]Concealed[/i]![/indent][/indent][/indent] Heretic creates a piece of post-modernist style artwork on the bank rooftop, before curling up and groaning to himself pitifully. [indent][indent][b]Heretic[/b] is currently [i][b]KO'd[/b][/i]![/indent][/indent] Deimos, possessed by the spirit of The Queen, stalks into the CO[sup]2[/sup] cloud to attack Thrash. [indent][indent][b]Deimos[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Deimos[/b] is currently [i]Move Over[/i]! - [color=00ccff]+1 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+5 Attack[/color] [b]Deimos[/b] is currently [i][b]Awakened[/b][/i] and may use the [i]Dark Queen's Fist[/i] ability at any time [b]Deimos[/b] is currently [i][b]Disturbed[/b][/i]! (1/1) - [color=00ccff]-1 Defence[/color] [i]Badass' Obligation[/i]: [b]Deimos[/b] inspires [b]Brick[/b] with a rousing speech: [b]Brick[/b] is now [i][b]Inspired[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]+1 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+1 Attack[/color] [b]Deimos[/b] assaults [b]Thrash[/b] with her [i][b]Dark Queen's Fist[/b][/i] [color=fff200]-3 Energy[/color]:[indent][b]Thrash[/b] is currently [i][b]Shocked[/b][/i]! (3/3) - [color=00ccff]-3 Defence[/color] [b]Thrash[/b] is currently [i][b]Concealed[/b][/i]! (1/1) - cannot be directly targeted by any attacks or abilities [b]Thrash[/b] is missed by [b]Deimos's[/b] [i][b]Dark Queen's Fist[/b][/i]: [i]Concealed[/i]! [b]Deimos[/b] is no longer [i]Move Over[/i]![/indent][/indent][/indent] Rocksmith uses his musical talents to try and inspire the rest of the team against Thrash's punk rock drumbeat. [indent][indent][b]Rocksmith[/b] recovers [color=ffff00]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Rocksmith[/b] is currently [i][b]Disturbed[/b][/i]! (1/1) - [color=00ccff]-1 Defence[/color] [b]Rocksmith[/b] uses [b][i]We Will Rock You[/i][/b] ([color=ffff00]-4 Energy[/color]):[indent] [b]Flare[/b] is now [i][b]Inspired[/b][/i] for two turns! - [color=00ccff]+1 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+2 Attack[/color] [b]Brick[/b] is now [i][b]Inspired[/b][/i] for two turns! - [color=00ccff]+3 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+1 Attack[/color] [b]Sigma[/b] is now [i][b]Inspired[/b][/i] for two turns! - [color=00ccff]+1 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+2 Attack[/color] [b]Psy-Warp[/b] is now [i][b]Inspired[/b][/i] for two turns! - [color=00ccff]+3 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+1 Attack[/color] [b]Deimos[/b] is now [i][b]Inspired[/b][/i] for two turns! - [color=00ccff]+1 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+2 Attack[/color] [b]Void[/b] is now [i][b]Inspired[/b][/i] for two turns! - [color=00ccff]+2 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+1 Attack[/color] [b]Nightingale[/b] is now [i][b]Inspired[/b][/i] for two turns! - [color=00ccff]+2 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+2 Attack[/color][/indent][i]Rock Hard[/i]: bonus 5 XP![/indent][/indent] Flare switches weapons, ready to go Full Auto. [indent][indent][b]Flare[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Flare[/b] is currently [i][b]Armed[/b][/i] ([i]Pistol[/i])! - [color=ed1c24]+2 Attack[/color] [b]Flare[/b] is currently [i][b]Bleeding[/b][/i]! - +10% damage from all sources [b]Flare[/b] is no longer [i][b]Disturbed[/b][/i]! [b]Flare[/b] is currently [i][b]Inspired[/b][/i]! (1/2) - [color=00ccff]+1 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+2 Attack[/color] [b]Flare[/b] is currently [i][b]Burning[/b][/i]!:[indent][b]Flare[/b] absorbs fire-based damage and regains [color=00ff00]0 Health[/color][/indent][b]Flare[/b] switches weapons:[indent][b]Flare[/b] is no longer [i][b]Armed[/b][/i] ([i]Pistol[/i])! - [color=ed1c24]-2 Attack[/color] [b]Flare[/b] is armed [i][b]Armed[/b][/i] ([i]SMG[/i])! - [color=ed1c24]+4 Attack[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] Bumblebee swoops down over the rooftop, using her tailwind to clear the CO[sup]2[/sup] cloud from around Thrash. [indent][indent][b]Bumblebee[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+2 Energy[/color] [b]Bumblebee[/b] is currently [i][b]Armoured[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]+3 Defence[/color] [b]Bumblebee[/b] is currently [i][b]Levitating[/b][/i]! - [color=fff200]-1 Energy[/color]; Immune to ground-based attacks and effects, [color=00ccff]+4 Defence[/color] [b]Bumblebee[/b] is currently [i][b]Ranged[/b][/i]! - May only use ranged attacks and abilities on opponents, may only be targeted by ranged attacks and abilities by opponents Bumblebee swoops across the rooftop, before swinging back up high into the air:[indent][b]Bumblebee[/b] is no longer [i][b]Ranged[/b][/i]! [b]Thrash[/b] is no longer [i][b]Concealed[/b][/i]! [b]Bumblebee[/b] is now [i][b]Ranged[/b][/i]! - May only use ranged attacks and abilities on opponents, may only be targeted by ranged attacks and abilities by opponents[/indent][i]Flight Control[/i]: bonus 1 XP![/indent][/indent] Vex, in the alleyway below, takes a moment to consider the implications of fire extinguisher safety. [indent][indent][b]Vex[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Vex[/b] is currently [i][b]Bleeding[/b][/i]! - +10% damage from all sources [b]Vex[/b] [i][b]Rests[/b][/i]:[indent][b]Vex[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] Psy-Warp pushes Heretic with her telekinesis. [indent][indent][b]Psy-Warp[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Psy-Warp[/b] is currently [i][b]Bleeding[/b][/i]! - +10% damage from all sources [b]Psy-Warp[/b] is no longer [i][b]Disturbed[/b][/i]! [b]Psy-Warp[/b] is currently[i][b]Inspired[/b][/i]! (1/2) - [color=00ccff]+3 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+1 Attack[/color] [b]Psy-Warp[/b] is currently [i][b]Burning[/b][/i]!:[indent][b]Psy-Warp[/b] hit by fire-based damage for [color=ff0000]6 Attack[/color], [color=00ccff]12 Defence[/color], [color=00ff00]0 Health[/color] loss. [b]Psy-Warp[/b] gains 3 XP![/indent][b]Psy-Warp[/b] uses telekinesis to push [b]Thrash[/b] back, causing the girl to stumble into the gaping hole in the rooftop:[indent][b]Thrash[/b] is currently [i][b]Shocked[/b][/i]! (3/3) - [color=00ccff]-3 Defence[/color] [b]Thrash[/b] is currently [i][b]Stunned[/b][/i]! (1/1) [b]Thrash[/b] is hit by [b]Thrash's[/b] psionic-based ranged attack for [color=ff0000]4 Attack[/color], [color=00ccff]7 Defence[/color], [color=00ff00]0 Health[/color] loss. [b]Thrash[/b] is now [i][b]Stumbling[/b][/i]! [b]Thrash[/b] is now [i][b]Speeding[/b][/i]! - [color=ff0000]+5 Attack[/color] [b]Thrash[/b] is hit by [b]Floor's[/b] melee attack for [color=ff0000]8 Attack[/color], [color=00ccff]7 Defence[/color], [color=00ff00]1 Health[/color] loss. [b]Psy-Warp[/b] gains 1 XP![/indent][i]TK Assault[/i]: bonus 5 XP![/indent][/indent] Void quickly forms a Void Sphere around the helicopter wreckage, lists it over the hole in the roof and drops it on Thrash. [indent][indent][b]Void[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Void[/b] is currently [i][b]Inspired[/b][/i]! (1/2) - [color=00ccff]+2 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+1 Attack[/color] [b]Void[/b] uses [i][b]Void Sphere[/b][/i] on [b]Wreckage[/b], lifting it into the air [color=fff200]-3 Energy[/color]:[indent][b]Thrash[/b] is currently [i][b]Shocked[/b][/i]! (3/3) - [color=00ccff]-3 Defence[/color] [b]Wreckage[/b] is now [i][b]Speeding[/b][/i]! - [color=ff0000]+5 Attack[/color] [b]Thrash[/b] is hit by [b]Wreckage's[/b] melee attack for [color=ff0000]20 Attack[/color], [color=00ccff]7 Defence[/color], [color=00ff00]13 Health[/color] loss. [b]Thrash[/b] is now [i][b]Pinned[/b][/i]! - may not move, act or use abilities until cleared [b]Void[/b] gains 13 XP![/indent][i]Empty Handed[/i]: bonus 5 XP![/indent][/indent] Nightingale rushes over to Heretic's side, quickly administering aid to get him back on his feet. [indent][indent][b]Nightingale[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+2 Energy[/color] [b]Nightingale[/b] is currently [i][b]Inspired[/b][/i]! (1/2) - [color=00ccff]+2 Defence[/color], [color=ed1c24]+2 Attack[/color] [b]Nightingale[/b] uses [i][b]All Better Now[/b][/i] on [b]Heretic[/b] [color=yellow]-4 Energy[/color]:[indent] [b]Heretic[/b] is no longer [i][b]KO'd[/b][/i]! [b]Nightingale's[/b] [i]Healing Hands[/i] trait activates - [b]Heretic[/b] heals [color=00ff00]3 Health[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr] Brick, Sigma, Void and Deimos are all under the shimmering bubble of void energy. The Cheerleaders lay unconscious on the rooftop outside the bubble, their clothes burnt off but otherwise stable. The rooftop is smoking from the doused fires, but the support beams beneath are groaning with the weight of the party as the vibrations from Thrash's attack weaken them further, although now a giant demon isn't stomping over them and deafening sounds waves aren't rippling through them they seem to be stabilizing considerably. Nightingale, Flare, Psy-Warp and Rocksmith are on the edge of the rooftop beside Heretic's barely conscious body. Bumblebee is flying high above the rooftop. Vex is currently in the alleyway beside the bank. Thrash is currently on the floor below (upper hallway), surrounded by unconscious SWAT Officers and pinned under the heavy remains of the helicopter wreckage. [hr] [color=purple][b]Callsign:[/b][/color] Thrash [color=purple][b]Real Name:[/b][/color] ?[center][hider=Thrash][img][/img][/hider][/center][color=purple][b]Role:[/b][/color] [color=gold][b]Flanker[/b][/color] [color=purple][b]Stats:[/b][/color] [b][color=00ff00]11[/color] / [color=00ccff]10[/color] / [color=ff0000]3[/color][/b] [color=purple][b]Energy:[/b][/color] [color=fff200]3[/color] [color=purple][b]Power Origin:[/b][/color] [color=a187be][b]Magic[/b][/color] [color=purple][b]Power Set:[/b][/color] Devilish Drummer [color=purple][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] [list][*][color=a187be][i]Crescendo[/i][/color] - [color=ffff00]Energy Cost: 3[/color] [sup]Breaking out into a long drum solo Thrash beats out the music so fast her enemies can barely keep themselves from collapsing. [i]Crescendo[/i] grants Thrash the [i][b]Beatdown[/b][/i] status effect, inflicts a cumulative [i][b]Downbeat[/b][/i] status effect, which reduces her targets' [color=ff0000]Attack[/color] and [color=00ccff]Defence[/color] by 1, and then causes [color=00ff00]2 Health[/color] loss for each [i][b]Beatdown[/b][/i] effect currently active. This ability bypasses all normal defenses and is counted as a field-wide effect which cannot be dodged or blocked.[/sup] [*][color=a187be][i]Shockwave[/i][/color] - [color=ffff00]Energy Cost: 2[/color] [sup]Smashing her drumskins with all her might Thrash send out powerful, damaging waves of sonic energy to hammer her opponents, causing a basic ranged attack with damage increased by [b]Thrash's[/b] [color=ff0000]Attack[/color] for each [i][b]Beatdown[/b][/i] effect currently active, but exhausting all [i][b]Beatdown[/b][/i] and [i][b]Downbeat[/b][/i] effects in the process.[/sup][/list][color=purple][b]Traits:[/b][/color][list][*][color=a187be][i]Wall of Sound[/i][/color] [sup]With her music never pausing for a moment Thrash generates a sonic field making it difficult for anyone to get close to her. Any time she's targeted by a melee attack the attacker loses [color=ff0000]-3 Attack[/color].[/sup] [*][color=a187be][i]Lost In The Rhythm[/i][/color] [sup]Pouring all her concentration into the breakneck rhythms of her music invigorates and re-energises Thrash, making her feel alive. When [b]Thrash's[/b] [color=00ff00]Health[/color] is below 50% (25 points) and she manages to cause [color=00ff00]Health[/color] loss against an opponent she recovers [color=00ff00]1 Health[/color] and gains the [i][b]Energized[/b][/i] status effect, granting her [color=ffff00]+1 Energy Regeneration[/color] until the end of the following round. [i][b]Energized[/b][/i] does not stack with itself.[/sup] [*][/list] [color=purple][b]Race/Species:[/b][/color] ?, Human [color=purple][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=purple][b]Age:[/b][/color] 21 [color=purple][b]Morality:[/b][/color] Chaotic; Evil [color=purple][b]Motivation:[/b][/color] Pleasure[hr] [center][b][color=cccccc]Ballistic Overload Suit Sigma - [url=][LINK][/url][/color] [color=fff200][b]Energy:[/b] 0/15[/color] [color=00ff00]11[/color] / [color=00ccff]4(-5)[/color] / [color=ff0000]6(5)[/color][/b][/center] [b]Action:[/b] [i]Sonic Pulse[/i] [b]Action:[/b] Ranged attack on [b]Thrash[/b][hr] [center][b][color=662d91]Vaerin 'Void' Ulerrad - [url=][LINK][/url][/color] [color=fff200][b]Energy:[/b] 2/10[/color] [color=00ff00]14[/color] / [color=00ccff]7(6)[/color] / [color=ff0000]1(0)[/color][/b][/center] [b]Action:[/b] [i]Void Sphere[/i] on [b]Wreckage[/b] to drop it on [b]Thrash[/b][hr] [center][b][color=ccffcc]Madison 'Nightingale' Johannson - [url=][LINK][/url][/color] [color=fff200][b]Energy:[/b] 2/10[/color] [color=00ff00]25[/color] / [color=00ccff]6(6)[/color] / [color=ff0000]6(4)[/color][/b][/center] [b]Action:[/b] [i]All Better Now[/i] on [b]Heretic[/b] [hr] [@rush99999] [url=]Rocksmith[/url] [img][/img] [@SimplyJohn] [url=]Bumblebee[/url] [img][/img] [@Eklispe] [url=]Flare[/url] [img][/img] [@knighthawk] [url=]Brick[/url] [img][/img] [@GodOfWar] [url=]Heretic[/url] [img][/img] [@Behemoth542] [url=]Sigma[/url] [img][/img] [@General Scales] [url=]Psy-Warp[/url] [img][/img] [@KabenSaal] [url=]Deimos[/url] [img][/img] [@Shadowman215] [url=]Void[/url] [img][/img] [@Leolycan] [url=]Vex[/url] [img][/img]