[Posting for Esailia, as she's disappeared for the meantime] Es and the Fireteam moved through the sewer at a rapid pace. The main tunnel was big enough that they had to move only stoop-shouldered, rather than bent double. Kellia bought up the rear, calling out directions in a wavering tone as they turned left and right. Finally, the circular tunnels opened out into a rectangular space with a metal-hoop ladder up one wall to a brick platform. Esailia, looking somewhat out of place compared to the others with her plate-carrier over the top of civilian clothes, mounted the steps, her breath a rasp as she reached the top, and coughing into one glove a few times, leaning on the railing. Nathaniel and Naida exchanged a glance, and Kellia caught it, the mink about to ask a question before Ed spoke up. "The door," he said, gesturing to a steel door against one wall. "Flank it, and stand by". The fireteam took positions, with Kellia uncertainly taking a position to the rear, gripping Mike's PDW in both paws and hunkering down. Edward reached out and gingerly tried the handle; to no-ones' surprise, it was locked. He grumbled briefly, before pulled a breaching charge off of the back of his vest and securing it to the door. The team exchanged nods, turning their faces away, as he pulled the cord to set off the fuse. It burned quickly, and with a hollow, echoing boom the thick door blew inwards, clattering to the floor. As soon as the sound had cleared, within moments, the team darted around the door frame and into the room, weapons raised. Almost immediately, a Southern soldier, bought by the noise, caught sight of them. Clad in their equivalent to the teams' battle armour, he looked like some kind of futuristic robot; though he still carried pouches of gear and ammo at least. He raised his rifle, which was all it took for Naida and Nathaniel to open up on him with bursts of fire from their weapons. Amazingly, the rounds staggered him back and he stayed on his feet for longer than any of them would have. Nonetheless, the converging fire sent him crashing into the wall, and had punched through lighter areas at his joints, neck and limbs, leaving him flopping and gurgling as he bled out and went into a full-body crash from the high-velocity impacts. The team spread out quickly, moving along the corridor in a column. No other forces challenged them, though Ed defused a number of improvised traps at various points. At the rear of the column, Kellia's 'friend' spoke to her in halting words through an earpiece. "The coverage... is bad in here... I can't get a good connection... locking me out and jamming me... somehow they isolated... systems from... trying to get around... -ckouts, but taking a lot of... runtime to process..." the voice trailed off and she hissed a curse to herself, gripping the PDW tighter. The team found they had cleared the floor, with no sign of the princess as yet, and only one dead southerner to their credit. "Up the stairs," rasped Esailia. "They must be up there. Keep moving." They rallied and approached the staircase, with Edward taking the lead. They moved swiftly up to the first landing with no interference, covering one anothers' angles. The movement was tense. No-one spoke and all eyes were peeled sharp. The distant sounds of the outside drifted, muted, into the building and were joined only by the minute scuffs of their feet on the cement floor, or of their gear against the wall. Though the sounds were quiet enough to be nothing, they sounded amplified in the stillness, like each and any one would give them away to everyone listening in a mile radius. With nerves peeled raw, the team made it to the top of the staircase. Edward reached for the door, but the moment his fingertips touched the handle, the door slammed open and one of the southern soldiers opened fire into the stairwell, hammering the space with a long burst from a light support weapon. The concussion from the weapon firing was defeaning in the space, along with the bright muzzle flashes and the flying chips of cement as he sprayed the stairwell. Naida yelled in pain and alarm as rounds hammered into her vest and she half-toppled back. Nathaniel juggled between firing one-handed and catching her from falling as Esailia fired back, dropping to one knee. Kellia yelled in fear and anger, firing her borrowed PDW blindly in the southerners direction. Edward staggered back from the door, the first burst of rounds having caught him high on the vest and over his shoulder. The Southern soldier staggered back under the impacts, his aim going high and wide under the combined firepower. As he staggered back, Nathaniel joined in, firing his underbarrel launcher through the doorway and into the Southerners face, the hi-ex grenade turning him into a mushed mess as it detonated with thunderous BOOM. Regaining their senses, the team examined their injuries. Naida was croaking and gasping for breath. Her vest had saved her, along with the gear stowed on it, but her ribs were likely bruised, if not cracked. But with dogged insistence, she slowly slid back to her feet, using the wall as leverage as she centered herself, Kellia standing close by to help. Edward had taken it worse; his vest had protected him well enough, but the last shot had hit high on his shoulder, avoiding the bone or anything too vital, but gouging a meaty chunk out of his flesh and fur. It was bleeding vigourously, and the pain had him reeling. Quickly, Nathaniel tore open a field dressing and applied a spray-on disinfectant and local painkiller, stuffed the wound with biofoam, and then slapped on an adhesive bandage, the green gel-like sheet molding itself to his shoulder and forming a microbial seal. Groggy and with a pained expression on his face, Edward used the wall to climb back to his feet as the others moved out into the corridor. Through an opposite window, the inside of the warehouse was visible. Steps stretched up to an overhead catwalk, and more offices, though barely a few. "There's nowhere else she can be," murmured Esailia as she took point. "She has to be up there." "Not going to be easy," Kellia piped up quietly, pointing out the window and up to the catwalk. Four more soldiers patrolled at the edges. "Looks like they're expecting us now."