[quote=@LouLou] Hopefully you're still accepting. I may have taken one sentence from the post and run with it a bit far. So here's what I have so far so you can tell me to get out if I took too much liberty with 'technology' before I make up an example post. [hider]Name: Margaret 'Maggie' Bonn Age: 25 Gender: Female Appearance: Due to her masculine and rather isolated upbringing, Maggie doesn't give much thought into the way she presents herself. Years of toying in workshops has left her posture lacking and skin pale but for a faint dusting of freckles over a slightly too-wide too-upturned nose. Her hands (the right notably missing the last two fingers) are stained black which no amount of scrubbing would be likely to remedy, if she bothered with such things. Her hair is a soft brown, cut unevenly and always held back, if not completely covered. The rest of her features are simple and plain, brown eyes with high eyebrows, a small mouth and jutting chin. Lastly, what clothing she does own is just as ragged as herself, that which is not stained or torn is at least singed in some place. Kingdom: Earth Kingdom Persona: In the midst of fighting a war that has already claimed the lives of her father and mentor, Maggie appears unperturbed by the demons knocking on her homeland's door. If anything she's eager for the vast testing grounds of the battlefield and plentiful resources of a combined effort. Her lack of solidarity and experience alienates her from most other soldiers. Not that she cares or in fact notices. She has an ingrained distrust of magic, and the people of both Sky and Water kingdoms, which comes from her judging them a primitive rather then politics and ancient grievances. Sample post: Pending Equipment: A single-shot pistol of her own design, affectionately named Vivian, nearly the size of her forearm. It has remarkable accuracy considering alternatives available, but a meager range of 9 feet, limiting it's usefulness in Maggie's ranged combat style. Her 'tool belt' which, when not in the workshop, holsters not only her gun but half a dozen grenades and an assortment of other powders. Ability/Magic/Technology: High intelligence in sciences and engineering, no magical aptitude. -Grenades; self explanatory. For practicality the ones carried on her person need to be lit rather then being pressure sensitive, though she can produce land-mines and other varieties. -Smoke powder; what it sounds like, stored in vials which release thick smoke making it difficult to see and breath. Released by breaking vials. -Incendiary powder; similar to the gunpowder used in the grenades without shrapnel and saturated with other ingredients allowing it to burn for much longer. Works as the grenades, requiring flame to start. -Corrosive powder; toxic powder which can dissolve flesh, wood, and tempered fabrics. Released by breaking or opening vial.[/hider] [/quote] Accepted, but i would like to see a post example