[center][img]http://img00.deviantart.net/c6bd/i/2012/307/8/6/sword_kimono_girl_render_by_yukieonna99-d5jtmao.png[/img] [color=darkorange][b]Name[/b][/color] Vice [color=darkorange][b]Age[/b][/color] 20 [color=darkorange][b]Gender[/b][/color] Female [color=darkorange][b]Crew Position[/b][/color] Swordsman [color=darkorange][b]Race[/b][/color] Human [color=darkorange][b]Appearance[/b][/color] Vice isn't your ordinary woman. Since the very moment she was born, she stood out for three things ; her ashen hair, her snow white skin and her blue eyes. She grew into a beautiful woman of average height, with short hair, a slender physique and an obvious love of kimonos since they're practically the only thing she ever wears. She could easily play the girlish, fragile princess role if not for the katana always by her side. [color=darkorange][b]Personality[/b][/color] Vice could be described as a social chameleon. She can be charismatic, cheerful, silly and pretty much anything if that gets her closer to her goal. That's her mask though, not her real self. To be brutally honest, even Vice herself isn't sure of what kind of person she is. There is only a handful of people she trusts and around them she's usually quiet and relaxed with a peaceful smirk on her face. On the other hand, when on a mission or around people she doesn't know or like she is a cold and seething person, always calm but ready -and eager- to strike without mercy at a moment's notice. Other than that, a trait which she is oblivious to is that she's probably the most literal person to ever exist. For example her revolutionary Commander, Alzac, still tells the story of how she gave him a crude drawing of her sword after he asked her to draw her blade in order to assess her skill, shortly after they met. [color=darkorange][b]Backstory[/b][/color] If you ask her about her past and you're lucky enough to get a serious answer, you'll learn that she was born a slave. Her parents were sold to a nobleman in Sabaody Archipelago and then taken to South Blue where she was born. Deep into South Blue, Vice lived a somewhat good life -for a slave- with food and clean water and only a few beatings every month. However, she wasn't and still isn't the kind of person to accept fate, destiny or whatever you call it. While both her parents urged her to forget escaping and do her best to pass unnoticed, every day that passed she got stronger as she had convinced another slave, and old man who claimed to have been an infamous pirate worth 25 million beli to train her. By the time she reached 16 years of age, she was stronger, faster and more agile than she could ever imagine. Yet that was only the beginning. She spent every day of the following year training and forming her escape plan and once she felt ready, she simply vanished without a word to anyone. She had no idea about the hell that would follow. A few days after the escape, the slaver who owned her announced that he'd kill her parents within two hours unless she returned. And unfortunately, she did. The beating she received left her unconscious for days with only the old pirate looking after her since her parents had been sold. Three days later, she vanished again. The following night, she broke into the nobleman's mansion, stole his family's heirloom katana and roughed him up until he ordered all the slaves freed. She left the island with her new blade and the old man who said he knew where to go next. The rest of her story she keeps for herself although what is known is that she joined a cell of Revolutionaries and carried out many missions in South Blue until some time three months ago when she joined a dojo in Pol Stictid for no apparent reason. [color=darkorange][b]Long Term Ambition[/b][/color] Destroy the World Government. [color=darkorange][b]Medium Term Ambition[/b][/color] Take down the tyrant, Dario Capper. [color=darkorange][b]Fighting Style[/b][/color] Ittouryu [color=darkorange][b]Notable Equipment[/b][/color] Her katana, Izanami.[/center]