[center] [h3][color=maroon][i]Nagitano Ito[/i][/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/97jsJNO.jpg[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCJdbCVuAO8] R I S I N G - H O P E[/url] [I] “[b]J[/b]ewel … I'd rather die than give up on you.”[/i] Nagitano Ito is a athletic young man that stands at 5'8” (176.78 cm) and weighs 142 lbs (64 kg). While sturdy and broad, layers of clothing can hide the fact that he's muscular. He has a almond shaped face with bronze eyes that often appear gold on bright days. They rest in a constant glare, a fierce tenacity that beckons for a challenger. Disregarding his rude countenance, he seems to have a striking sense of style. His chestnut brown hair lays across his head, the ends of which curves naturally. _________________________________________________________________ [/center] [color=maroon][b]Codename:[/b][/color] Pluto [color=maroon][b]House:[/b][/color] The Horses [color=maroon][b]Grade:[/b][/color] 10th [color=maroon][b]Age:[/b][/color] 16 [color=maroon][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=maroon][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] Heterosexual [color=maroon][b]Birthday:[/b][/color] April 22nd [color=maroon][b]Blood Type:[/b][/color] AB - [color=maroon][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] Japanese ___________________ [color=maroon][b]Hobbies:[/b][/color] [list] [*] Street Fighting [*] Dominating Others [*] Sprinting [*] Writing [*] Excessive Eating [/list] [color=maroon][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Nagitano was raised in a harsh ghetto, a skeleton of society that hardly showed any morals or values. In a sense, this has instilled a brutish and dangerous mold over him. He rarely accepts kindness, feeling that it coming from a place of manipulation and not genuine compassion. So he bites back and lashes out with a attitude that most would find disgusting or scary. Beyond his own lack of trust and utter disdain for most of humanity, Nagitano is a man with a god-complex. He looks on others with a kingly disposition but enacts his dominance with a tyrannical kind of action. He has a [i]odd[/i] fear of religion. Not in the sense that a cross comes out and he'll squeal but more so the belief or faith that higher-power exists. He's only depended on himself for most of his life, so to know that a higher-power was watching from above and did nothing, well … that's heartbreaking. [color=maroon][b]History:[/b][/color] The son of Jewel Ito and a unknown father, Nagitano grew up in the harsh thralls of Okinawa. Throughout his childhood, he heard his mother weep, scream at, and argue with a gentleman whose face is a void in his memory. In front of the small tv of their apartment he watched yakuza movies, the ones where the hero was either bold and reckless or cold and cool. He always preferred the bold and reckless ones, the ones that stated clearly what they'd do before doing it. He thought that was truly admirable. By middle school, he found himself being called a delinquent. It was … fitting. With his arrogant response to most of the bullies, one day he found himself surrounded by a dozen different people after blood. They laid around him, beaten and bloodied. When he went to school the next day, he returned to an expulsion letter and the authorities. His mother, who was in and out of rehabilitation was disappointed, scared, and hysterical. Later that week, a mysterious letter was sent to him and he was invited to join Star Ocean Academy. Normally he wouldn't have paid it much mind but for whatever reason, his charges had been dropped. It left him … interested. ___________________ [color=maroon][b]Current Classification:[/b][/color] Maeby [color=maroon][b]Special Ability:[/b][/color] A wind elemental, and one who transcends the usual hacks that pop up randomly at that. He has been blessed with a strength, a power that confuses and is currently out of reach. It's barely possible for him to direct the wind, to mold its physical eddies to his will. But to control the [i]vacuum[/i], a summit reserved for the truly strong wind elementals, he will need tons of training, knowledge, and willpower. [color=maroon][b]Imperfection:[/b][/color] Lots of knowledge is required, something that Nagitano cares little for. He is also prone to uncontrollable outbursts that out times injures himself just as much as the things around him. Wind is a fickle mistress that can harm its comrade and enemy alike. When he uses his ability he is often out of breath due to his lack of control. ___________________ [color=maroon][b]School Clubs:[/b][/color] [list] [*] None [/list] [color=maroon][b]Character Relations:[/b][/color] [list] [*] None [/list] [color=maroon][b]Other:[/b][/color] [list] [*] Favorite Food - McDonalds [*] Favorite Animal - Dogs [*] Favorite Line - “[b]I[/b]'d rather die.” [*] Theme Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWQKa1sv_So]Armored Titan.[/url] [/list]