So I just sent Jade a pm, but she's been offline for about 6 days now. I'm trying to gather new people, but I'm starting to get worried at how quiet it's gotten in here. [@The Fated Fallen] if you want to post, you're more than welcome to. I'd like to give Jade another day, but as of now, we're all still at the scene of the battle. [@WanderingRebel] posted, so happy to say that Katia and Tobias are on their way back to everyone else. If anyone else wants to post and pick up the story, go right ahead. [@Elitestpotato] if you want to just grunt it off with Edict having the opinion that if she was stupid enough to make another move, he'd clobber her. He gave an explanation that, more importantly at least, in his mind, should be sufficient enough for everyone. I'm currently working on a post for npc's perhaps we can finally get a glimpse of Jeltheor :D But I want to make sure that everyone is still with us so far :) For anyone interested in joining us, or guests taking a look at the rp, [url=]here[/url] is where we are so far. [@Diabolic] where you left off, your character was still in the middle of fighting off some skeletons, but hasn't really had a chance to interact with anyone else. Let me know where you stand :) Thanks Anyone that has any questions, comments, complaints, rants, silly pictures, pm me :)