[center][b][IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/xst2.jpg[/IMG][/b] [color=#CC7A00]“[i][b]A[/b]ttention dickwads. I'll be turning your lives into chaos … please enjoy.[/i]”[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWQKa1sv_So]A R M O R E D – T I T A N[/url][/center] [hr] [b]N[/b]agitano walked up the nine stairs leading away from the anchored vessels, behind him was several students laid out, groans of pain and curses leaving them. He could hear the shifting of their clothing as they attempted to claw at him. He held tight to the collar of the unlucky kid that was left standing when the others had fallen. The air felt especially nice; it made him feel invincible. [b]T[/b]he pale kid, who wore a now tattered blue gakuren, clawed at his grip. His fingers raked down Nagitano's naked arm and wrist, leaving a red trail where his nails had been. [b]N[/b]agitano harshly pulled and pushed the kid back and forth with his collar, jumbling his brain a bit and calming him down. As he took the last step and looked on at the colorful crowd of students, he smiled. [color=#CC7A00] “[b]D[/b]o you see me, shitlords? Can you taste fear? Can you feel my power? I'm godly.”[/color] His words were low but the crowd was so quiet, that they heard him clearly. The various clothed students parted with his path. The stuttering breaths of women, the heavy despair of men. That was the reaction he loved the most: the end results of domination. [b]H[/b]e paused his track in the middle of the crowd, a circle formed around him. He dropped the kid to the ground mercilessly. His head bounced as it hit the ground. Nagitano looked from side to side, his brows furrowed and a faint grimace on his lips. [color=#CC7A00] “[b]L[/b]isten up, from here on out I'm the lord of the Maebys … or whatever the fuck that is. You'll all listen to me and do as I say, if anyone objects, step forth and get beat the hell up!”[/color] he demanded. [b]S[/b]ilence permeated the early air. The first bell hadn't even rung yet and he had already conquered the first years. The others would be a cake walk. For all the seclusion and secrecy, this school was just like any other he'd been too. Just a bunch of sheeps waiting to be led. [color=#CC7A00] “[b]G[/b]ood, you all learn quick. Now someone explain to me what the hell a “Maeby” is?”[/color]