[CENTER][img]http://oi58.tinypic.com/2dl9q8o.jpg[/img] [h1]Duchess[/h1][/CENTER] [b]Aʙsᴛʀᴀᴄᴛ:[/b] A sophisticated spider with an alarming appetite. [b]Dᴇᴛᴀɪʟ:[/b] Duchess was one among hundreds of spiderlings, and like most spiders, the time spent between mother and offspring was brief. Once hatched she and her fellow siblings were told they must set out on a journey, to find their own place in the world. The mother gave her spiderlings the harsh truth, but also one piece of interesting knowledge: many of them would die, but those who prospered to see their 400th year of life would be granted the power to take on human form. Then and only then would their lives become easier. The vast majority of the spiderlings climbed to the tallest branches to cast their silk threads against the wind only for their fate to be met by birds above them. Duchess, however, managed to escape, never looking back and never forgetting what her mother had told her. She would bid her time until she could fully mature by residing in other people’s homes and buildings, consuming the pests and keeping to herself so as not to impose upon her human subjects; in return no one ever bothered her. Generations would come and go--no place was ever the same as the last, that was until she found the Circus. When in the ring, Duchess is an example of traditional beauty; displaying a haunting elegance when performing aerial contortion. Off stage she exudes the same air of sophistication, and tact while having a rare grace of never saying a word too much. Duchess is often nurturing to those younger, more needing then herself, giving them the love and affection she herself never received from her own mother. However, when someone wrongs her, she makes it her business to even the score. Displaying superb patience, she will even wait years for the right moment. [b]Hᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ Nᴏʀᴀ?[/b] Being adept at making fine, handspun silk, it was no surprise that Duchess was noticed by Nora. In return for her skill she was offered a permanent place in the circus.