[center][img]http://i58.tinypic.com/2e4kfaa.jpg[/img] [h3][color=42B9A8]Hamasaki Elisa[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] As the day was dawning in full glory, sunrays warmed up the buildings and parks on the campus, beams of light seeping through the windows of the different Houses. A delicious smell filled the Whale House, which originated from the shared kitchen. Elisa stood at the stove, chopsticks in one hand, whilst holding a frying pan in the other. She was preparing her first meal of the day: an omelet filled with rice and vegetables. She felt that a good start of the school year should be accompanied with a proper meal. Although she had returned here at Hoshinoumi Academy almost a week ago to make some preparations, it was still weird to realize that classes were starting again after the long summer break. She had gotten a lot less done during her time off than she had wanted to, spending most of her days lazing in the garden back home. She had intended to make lots of trips through the area surrounding her hometown, read up on the books that had caught her interest throughout the previous semesters, work on her drawing skills, and maybe practice a bit at the end of the holiday in anticipation of the new year. Now at the end of her lazy days, Elisa had made a few small trips, read only one book, and had practiced two, maybe three times. At least she had had a great time with her family though, who she had not visited even once since she enrolled. She had especially been thrilled to see her sister Rina back, having missed her presence at the academy. Secretly she had hoped her younger sibling would have developed some kind of power during her absence so she could join her, but sadly this was not the case. Elisa had proposed her sister could enter as a Maeby, but Rina seemed to not like the idea too much; it was not like she didn't want to spend more time with Elisa, but she deemed it a waist of her time when it wasn’t even sure whether she had potential. Elisa awoke from her train of thoughts when she noticed a dark flash in the corner of her eye. She turned her head to figure out what was going on only to find an empty hallway. Very quickly things became clear though as one of her housemates slipped out of his room. Famous for trying to pick up girls, Elisa figured that was exactly what he was set out to do, especially after catching some words of his murmuring. She could not help but shake her head, chuckling inwardly at the boy who sounded just like a romantic hero from a dating sim game. The girl then returned her attention to her dish, flipping the omelet once more and pressing down on it for a bit with the chopsticks. She skillfully scooped it out of the frying pan, placing it onto the plate next to her. After cleaning up the cooking utensils, she took her breakfast along with a cup of tea to the large table in the center of the room. It was quiet in the House and hopefully things remained like this for a little longer; Elisa wanted to avoid having eyes gaze on her and having to endure awkward silences. Sitting down on a chair which was placed opposite one of the windows, she took a sip of her drink; green tea with a hint of citrus fruits, one of her favorite tea flavors, which she thought contrasted well with the saltiness of the eggs. Tearing off a piece with the sticks, she took a bite. [color=42B9A8]"Well done, Elisa, well done..."[/color] she nodded, approving of the soft and fluffy texture. A warm, late-summer breeze gently swayed the light curtains and brought along the salty sea smell which was so familiar to the Academy. Elisa smiled as she inhaled deeply, taking in the scent; it was one of the small things that made her glad to be back. She was definitely looking forward to her classes as well though, retaking some basic classes in order to really master them, but also a bunch of new ones as she was advancing quickly. If only making contact would be as easy... She sighed slightly at the thought, but not wanting to get herself in a sulky mood she quickly shrugged off the comment and gobbled up the rest of the omelet. With a few gulps she downed her drink, finishing up her breakfast in the blink of an eye. [color=42B9A8]"Alright, time to get going,"[/color] she decided, standing up resolutely. After she had deposited of her dirty dishes, Elisa entered her room only to grab her bag which she had packed the evening before and flung it across her shoulder. She then scurried down the stairs and left the building. When she glimpsed down on her Queue Device she slowed down her tracks however, as she still had little less than half an hour to go. She figured she might as well take a small detour then, taking the route which led through one of the island's gardens, rather than the main road which was most likely overflowing with students by now.