[center][img]http://i58.tinypic.com/vno02b.jpg[/img][/center][center][h2][color=Silver]Choi Soo-Jin[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Soo-Jin was not thrilled at the least to be back at Star Ocean Academy, she enjoyed her time in California too much to even wanna endure another year of campus life and other students. Who, by the way, she hasn't bothered to get to know yet. Just arriving from the train and walking the long path to the entrance of the school, she sniffed around, she hated the salty sea smell that the school was surrounded by and the sun was blinding. Sure the campus is beautiful and the people are beautiful but, if you're Soo-Jin and you basically only like the easier and comfier things in life then you'd complain to yourself too. Looking around at the crowds of new and returning students like her she felt at ease, nothing like a crowded area where no one knows you, avoiding anyone bumping into her and grazing her by mistake she finally walked into the building and headed to The Dragons side of the campus. She had her brunette hair in a messy bun and was already wearing her uniform, since she knew she wasn't gonna want to change in it later. She had all her things in one backpack and, while walking down the hall she could see a tiny little puppy ... or wolf? She looked at it for sometime and shrugged it off, maybe pets were now a norm for the Dragon house and she wasn't in the mood for what was to come if she found the owner who owned this little animal. She had finally made her way to her dorm room and opened it walking inside, she smiled to herself and inhaled a nice amount of air before breathing out [color=Silver] Isn't it great to be back~ I can still see my body imprinted into the mattress[/color] She said to herself as she dropped her bag to the floor and hopped into the dented mattress. She kept her door open and felt her stomach, she only ate kale and carrots before she got here and half her food was put to waste when her venomous fangs ruined her food. Lifting up from the bed she groaned and got up, she reached for her backpack and pulled out raw broccoli and celery sticks and began munching on those. [color=Silver] Mmm~ I wonder what kind of people have been here at this house?[/color] She said again to herself while munching, she was curious of who she'd meet since she wanted to talk to people this year. She walked back out into the hallway eating her snack, this time listening to music with her earbuds in. She looked around while slowly walking, she tried to notice if anything changed and she wanted to know if that little wolf-dog was reunited with its owner, Soo-Jin was actually looking forward to another school year now that she ate something and relaxed a bit, she was eager to better her powers and since she recently learned about her venom she was hoping that as she grew in her powers she'd find more surprises with her ability. As she walked down the hall and back a couple of times while listening to [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbkv5xOLvnA]MGMT[/url] she ran out of food to snack on and groaned again to herself, eating was her thing, though she knows that her ability has nothing to do with her veggie eating, she still had that kid like hope that if she ever stopped she'd lose her enhanced biting that she'd grown to love. She had went back to her dorm and yanked her backpack while falling onto the bed, she picked through her bag of goodies and ate Brussels, popping them into her mouth and happily looking up at the ceiling while jamming out to her tunes.