The sweet relief shooting through his body from the morphine injection was much needed, but as expected, he felt his knees grow weaker, his senses dampening and his mind clouded by sleepiness; he made a few steps forward, but stumbled on his own feet and nearly planted his face against the vehicle in front of him, but he managed to break his fall. With the impact, he felt a strong jolt of pain rattling his bones and skull, forcing him to grunt and groan as he pulled himself back to his own feet. In the exact spot where he landed, there was a couple of small blood spatters left by his wounds, telling him that he really needed to dress the wounds with something; he did consider to just enter the vehicle and borrow some of its medical gear, but he felt there was no time for that. He had to make himself useful for the last few moments of full consciousness, before he'd succumb to his wounds, so there was no doubt in his mind that he had to get into the warehouse and help with the extraction op. Groggy and weak on his feet, Aidan found strength to stagger forwards and clutch his own PDW and switch on the holographic sight, which was broken to his dismay. Slightly annoyed by the inconvenience, he slammed the back of his fist against the sight to knock it off of the top rail so he could flip up the rifle iron sights. He managed to completely ignore the sewer lid and the hole leading towards the sewers as he marched forward, being more concerned about cold beads of sweat rolling down his forehead rather than his own safety or concentrating on his lackluster situational awareness. Finally gaining some sense, he thought about a "decent" plan to scout his surroundings, by climbing to the top of a building, from where he could determine his position in relation to the warehouse and the fire team led by captain Sprinsteam; he clambered up a fire escape until he made it to the top of a small residential building, creeping towards the opposite edge of the roof while crouching and sticking his back against the low rooftop wall. He gingerly peeked over the lip of the wall, spotting the warehouse only a couple of rooftops away from him, but he knew that at least one or two buildings adjacent to the warehouse would be filled with hostiles, so he knew he had to exercise caution. He had the intention, sure, but his moves weren't quite precise; he did feel that he was getting his grip back on to reality with all of the effort that brought some blood to his brain and muscles, feeling more and more in control of the situation. He wasn't at his peak, obviously, but he started to think his body overreacted to the ordeal. He wasn't feeling fresh and dandy, but he felt well enough to pull through. He vaulted over the wall and landed on a lower roof of a building connecting with the one he climbed and rolled on his back to avoid an embarrassing sprain in the ankle. From this building, the warehouse seemed to be dangerously close, close enough that he could peek through its large windows; he couldn't just stand there and stare at the thing, he saw four individuals guarding the building, but his most immediate concern was a voice challenging him to come out and and show himself. Aidan didn't feel panic anymore, since he felt that the worst has already happened to him, so instead he became worried that the man would give away his position and compromise his attempt at a stealthy intervention; instead, it seemed that the high-tech soldier was rather sure that he just yelled at thin air, since he couldn't spot the origin of the weird thud noise he thought he heard. Still, he wanted to be cautious about the whole thing, so he raised his left hand to touch the push-to-talk button on the integrated headset, but his vision turned black and colored sparks as he felt his head jerk forwards and found himself flat on the ground, his rifle clattering against the ground in front of him. He couldn't complain or utter any noise, as a second, more powerful bash sent him into a dark limbo where he felt as he was floating, completely oblivious of the last few seconds before the lights switched out. Aidan's face expressed awe as he examined the armored foe, amazed by the complexity of the suit, its hardness and flexibility. He felt inclined to try it on, but judging by the size of the Southerner, the armor would be a tad large for him, not to mention that the helmet was made to fit a feline snout. Instead, Aidan cautiously borrowed the rifle dropped one meter forwards and gave it a few taps, pulls, pushes and slaps to guesstimate how the weapon functions. He checked the integrity of his PDW's buttstock after it met the helmet of the Southerner twice, but it didn't seem to suffer any sort of damage. He decided to also borrow the tactical harness carrying ammo pouches and grenades, along with a sidearm he knew how to handle and a modern-looking bayonet. Armed and equipped, Aidan approached the warehouse's roof, completely oblivious of the fire team's presence not too far from his position; from up there, he had a clean shot on all four men patrolling the catwalk, large windows offering a somewhat decent view inside. He decided that he couldn't possibly eliminate all four of them with precise shots, he wasn't that much of a good shot with a firearm in his own hands, but he did have a couple of devious high-explosive fragmentation grenades which he could use. So, he made a "logical" conclusion that he will throw the grenade down, hoping to break the window and detonate the four SOBs. All was well until the dog climbed on the rooftop wall which collapsed under his weight from the erosion and poor craftsmanship, sending him falling down to the warehouse with a live grenade in his hand. Aidan didn't have the time to fully realize what was happening, he only managed to yelp as he saw the warehouse closing in alarmingly to his face; he braced for impact, feeling his shoulder smashing the glass, but his left side ribs were met with the edge of the window, keeping him from falling inside the building. He immediately rolled away from the window and grabbed at his torso, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes shut tight, not knowing what would come next. He realized he lost the grenade somewhere in the whole process, but that turned out in his favor, as he heard a loud explosion coming from inside the building. He scurried to his feet and grabbed the PDW, which seemed to also have miraculously survived the fall and dashed to the nearest cover, not knowing what he had to expect on the top of the warehouse. Hearing gunshots, groans and yells, Aidan darted away from the cover of the A/C unit and approached a different window, thinking that he could create chaos within the warehouse, which could help him to somehow extract the princess from the building; he could barely believe what was happening to him in that moment, his mind was filled with curses and fear rather than a rational voice to tell him that he was insane. Instead, he smashed another window with the butt of his weapon, creating a large enough gap to chuck in the other grenade; he rolled away on his belly and covered his head, the blast sending shards of glass up in the air. Once the debris stopped falling from the sky, Aidan scrabbled up on his feet and, with no real thought in his head, dropped down, landing on a platform of sorts; there, he found another advanced soldier shell shocked from the grenade blast. There were a few moments of silence, Aidan gawped at the android-like humanoid resting against the wall that looked back at him and after a while, it clumsily pulled out a sidearm; then, Aidan found himself squeezing the trigger of the PDW, feeling the recoil of the weapon vibrating violently against his shoulder and chest, forgetting much of the training and conscious reflexes he taught himself, allowing to spray an odd of 22 rounds in the enemy. He immediately took off in a dash, hearing his own footsteps thumping and sending echoes through the pneumatic cavities of his skull; he ignored his peripheral view as he aimed to dash across the platform and launch himself on a dark corner of the warehouse and, without much effort, he vaulted over the railing and prepared to land in the corner and hide behind the massive pipe should someone run up there and investigate the commotion. But, he felt the ground collapse at his heels as the fake ceiling gave under him, he woke up moments later sitting on a pile of debris and what was very likely a person knocked out cold. He grabbed his PDW and aimed it at the black thing that moved at the corner of his eye, which seemed to be thoroughly startled black-furred vulpine. "P-Princess? Princess Velostroya? By the stars-" he blinked a few times, unbelieving that this streak of good luck was happening to him. "Lieutenant Sykes, LDF, I'm here to get you out of here! Are you hurt, do you need me to look at something?" He said as he pushed himself on his feet, feeling his back and side sore, the gunshot wound started to burn again. As he cleared his vision of black spots, he became more and more sure that the woman in front of him was the same vixen Silver showed the team during briefing. Black fur, green eyes and quite a good-looking youngling, but maybe, a tad too young for him. He released the woman of the handcuffs that kept her tied to a pipe, retrieving the keys from the person lying under the heap of ceiling tiles. "Don't mind my unorthodox methods, uh, the actual rescue OP is muuuch more organized than it looks. I know, I don't look much like LDF, but I'm definitely not on that guy's side" He pointed at the unconscious one on the floor. "We'll meet up with the team and get you out, alright? We've got a landcruiser waiting for you a few klicks away from Martenstown; sure, it isn't fit for noble blood, but I'm sure you'll be tr-" but a jolt of pain slashing from his back and down to his side pulled out every liter of air from his lungs, collapsing on one knee after a failed attempt at a backstretch. "I'm fine, don't worry about me. O-okay, let's look for a way out- I mean, follow me, I know the way out" [i]Gee, way to look professional there, Doc.[/i] He did keep his mouth shut as they exited the room and walked down the corridor leading towards a door with a small window. He peeked through it for a brief few seconds before telling the woman: "The coast looks cl-" As he opened the door, though, he met face to face with Nathaniel. For some reason, he wasn't startled by finding him creeping around the corner, ready to place breaching charges around the frame of the door. "-clear. Nothing to worry about, they're friendlies. Uh." He looked at the bunch, quickly identifying the whole fire team, along with the mink he met with earlier. "Captain, fire team, Kiel- uh, Kella? Ke-Keyla? Meet Princess Velostroya." Aidan seemed sort of proud of his handiwork, but at the same time, thoroughly beaten, scratched and stained with blood all over his jeans, shirt and face, fresh trickles of blood slithering down his clothes from wounds in his abdomen, arms and face. [i]Have I made myself important?[/i]