[URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/banditdorian/media/kassy%20face.png.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v114/banditdorian/kassy%20face.png~original[/IMG][/URL] On days like this, Kassandra considered herself lucky. She leaned on the railing of the ferry, inhaling the scent of the ocean and letting the spray settle on her skin. All around her was beautiful blue-green sea, and ahead of her another school year at Star Ocean Academy. Kassy pushed her white hair back from her face, tying it back with an orange ribbon that matched her sundress. The ferry horn sounded, and she knew she'd have to get off soon. Oh, if only the trip could take an hour. With a faint sigh, Kassy put her sandals back on and grabbed her belongings. Disembarking was always a bit of a hassle. New students and old students mingling, people trying to find their way around the massive campus, the 'house elves' trying to round people up. Kassy hoisted her large suitcase on one shoulder and waded through the crowd. Once she received her Queue Device and course schedule, she made a beeline for the Whale House dorms. It was like coming home. The Whale House dorm was more comfortable to her than any place she'd known in her life. It had taken most of her first year to stop being afraid of the other students. Having spent so long under her aunt's thumb and influence, she was far too used to sneers and derision. Eventually, though, she realized that outright hatred was something that many of the students had to deal with at one point or another. That understanding changed her. She had started to become her own person within the school. Not 'Kaia's daughter', not 'that fat freeloader', but just Kassy. Getting to her room, she unlocked it with her Queue and dumped her things on the bed, immediately kicking off her sandals and taking a deep breath. Safe at last. After getting her bearings and a glass of water from the bathroom sink, she looked at the uniforms that had been laid out on her bed. There was no reason to delay it, so Kassy undressed and redressed in uniform. [b]“Oh, this is a problem...” [/b]She stared at herself in the mirror. The waist of the skirt and most everywhere on the top were tight and uncomfortable, almost painful. Apparently she'd gained girth during the break. [b]“I was lazy with my swim practice during vacation.”[/b] Kassy frowned at her reflection and turned herself this way and that, trying to check the fit. [b]“I'll have to get remeasured... how embarrassing.”[/b] She tugged at the sleeve caps that were squeezing her upper arm, and realized that there was something there on the uniform. Turning to the mirror, she ran her fingers over a shiny embroidered crest with the image of a whale on it. Underneath was written “Orion”. Kassy surpressed the urge to groan. She'd forgotten all about last year. At the end of the term, she and three others had been named the top students in their houses, Orions. She had not liked being singled out and put on display, even though it was for something positive. Now she realized it wasn't something that was going away. She wasn't entirely sure she wanted that kind of attention. Putting a thin sweater on over her straining uniform top, Kassy headed back out. Maybe she could get the request for new uniforms put in before things got too busy. She let her eyes sweep over the scores of arriving students, able to tell new from old with a quick glance at their expressions. Freshmen looked somewhere between terrified, elated and nauseous. Everyone else looked more relaxed, and usually more positive. Her gaze stopped when she saw something out of place. [b]“A dog? Here?” [/b]Were they even allowed pets at the school? She'd wanted a beta fish for a long while, but had been denied. Perhaps this was the year? Slowly approaching the animal, she leaned down and held her hand out, palm up, for the animal to examine.[b] “Hello, little thing. How did you get here?”[/b] Once she determined the puppy wasn't hostile, she took off her sweater and used it to gently scoop up the animal. Protecting herself from it's small but sharp nails, she held it close and looked around for someone who could help her.