[center][img]http://i61.tinypic.com/xcoy0k.jpg[/img] [h3][color=708090]Koizumi Cheng[/color][/h3] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center] The spires of Hoshinoumi Academy loomed over Cheng, who stood at the entrance to school grounds. They were a familiar sight to the Orion of the Squid House, but this year, they seemed to stare down at him with the weight of responsibility. Not only was Cheng part of the academy's mentor program, but he was also being screened for the possibility of staying as faculty, and on top of that, he'd been selected as an Orion. It was a fair amount on his plate, and he briefly wondered how complicated it'd make his last year. Nevertheless, he enjoyed the prospect of developing his powers, and that's what made him decide to help others do the same. Cheng straightened the armband pinned to his sleeve, admiring the golden squid that had been affixed to the fabric. He had to admit, he enjoyed the prestige such a position came with. He'd worked himself hard the previous year to get himself listed among the names for consideration. When he'd told his parents the good news, he couldn't help but allow himself an intake of pride. Remembering the moment the badge was presented to him, Cheng smiled as he made his way into the school grounds. [i]"Yo, Cheng!" "Ohayo gozaimasu, Koizumi-sama!" "Hey man, you ready for our last year?" "Jóusàhn, Cheng!"[/i] Cheng's fellow Squid House members echoed greetings as he arrived at the central wing. He'd forgotten what an increase in publicity his stature would earn him. Not that he minded the extra attention, but at the same time, he momentarily worried whether it would be overwhelming in the months to come. For now though, he returned his classmates' greetings in kind with a wave of his hand and a warm smile. "Cheng!" Another voice called his name, but Cheng recognized its familiarity. Turning to his left, he saw an old-time friend, Neil, jogging down the hallway. "Hey dude, how've you been? Can't believe it's already our last year, huh?" Neil said. [color=708090]"Hey buddy! I've been well, thanks."[/color] Cheng's accent lined his words, although he'd improved considerably since the start of his career at Hoshinoumi. "Check it out," Neil blurted, fumbling through his phone before handing it to his housemate. On the screen was a photo of a brand new R/C car, its paintjob clearly a custom, and very well done. [color=708090]"Damn, It's beautiful. Did you work on it yourself?"[/color] "Well, I'll admit I had some help from the guys getting the color done, but I put the thing together myself. We'll have to see if it's good enough to keep up with yours!" [color=708090]"I wouldn't bet on it!"[/color] The two of them exchanged words over how their summer had been, unpacking their things and making themselves at home in their rooms. After Neil parted to catch up with another classmate, Cheng kept his eyes peeled for a certain someone he'd been meaning to say hello to; a particular girl with a reputation that was rough around the edges.