[center] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/23rv4w7.jpg[/IMG] [h2][color=00a651]Daniel Valentin Mikhail[/color][/h2] [/center] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Daniel stood in front of the dragon house and sighed. [i][color=00a651]Finally found it.[/color][/i] The boy had gotten of the train an hour ago but it took at least five different set of directions to find were he would be staying. He found his way to the dragon house and walked tot he boys quarters but stopped when he saw a puppy down the hall. He did not quiet know what to do, he could leave the dog here or just wait for its owner who could not be far. [i][color=00a651]Awwwwwww! But it is so cute I can't leave it.[/color][/i] But he needed to put his stuff away, also his arm was starting to hurt due to his bags. Daniel only had three; one green backpack, that was full, with all the extra pockets on it, a green rolly suitcase with a white Bellfower on the front, and a green duffle bag. The first two were very light, only containing clothes and whatnot, but the duffle bag had dirt in it. Before he left he did not want to be home sick so he thought of taking a piece of it with him. So Daniel filled the bag up with dirt and put small snips of his favorite plants into the bag. The lady at the Russian airport looked at him funny when she saw the scan of his bag going through, all Daniel could do was blush and attempt to explain himself. He approached his room and walked in. The place was cozy, he set his bags down and opened the duffle bag and smiled. [i][color=00a651]This our new home for a while so don't take the place over.[/color][/i] He said to the plants kindly. Then started to put his things away, when he was done he stepped back outside. Something inside of him scream to go find someone to socialize with, plus he wanted to make sure the puppy was safe. Daniel made his way back down the hall to make use of the little free time he had left.