[@Zerofighter][@Slendy] Pico jumped up off the suitcase as David reached to lift it, landing with a click of her shoes and a tap of the parasol on the floor. [color=BBFFFF]"As many as I want."[/color] Lollipops were a necessity, why wouldn't she carry them? Only meetings with her [i]dear[/i] parent would keep them away, and even then, not far. Just far enough to keep out of his knowledge. Pulling the candy from her mouth to spin it in her fingers, she shrugged and gave a small pout at second question. [color=BBFFFF]"How would I know? There are probably introductory courses that require all first-years to attend together, but I can't tell for sure. I'm sure we'll get schedules eventually, probably after they decide what we are and what to do with us. But yes, this place has been well-enough spoken of for me to expect a quality delivery." "And I can be how I want. I'm perfectly capable of performing at a high enough level to contest anyone, regardless of appearance."[/color] The comment was a compliment, of course, she recognized that. It still wouldn't stop her from turning away and returning to her sugary treat to hide the childish expression on her face, however. Honestly, how one could make such observations at a time like this...there were people around! ...People with candy practically spilling from them as they walked, at that! The klutzy move certainly had her attention, as she looked back from where the boy had come from to see a few pieces left on the ground. A small sound of disapproval escaped her mouth as she made her way over to the location of the fallen goods, not at all pleased with their treatment.