David nods and said "Yea I know how much you like your lolipops. And dont worry I got some of your emergency ones in my bad. Gotta keep my sugar filled girlfriend happy." He smiles at her and knew she loved sweets. He knew about her relationship with her dad. He didnt like the guy from what she told him. "Do you think we will get some of the same classes? I hope we have some classes together." He asked following her still holding their bags. David smiles seeing her cute expression she made. David enjoyed teasing her sometimes. Mostly because how she showed her pouty face. "Yea I know how you can be whoever you want." David said liking to give her compliments, even though it embarrassed her. He looked over and saw her walking to a guy who dropped some candy. uh-oh. David followed her over and said "Hey Pico how about we just explore school. We might find some cool things to do here." He didnt want here to start yelling at some guy for dropping candy.