Appearance:(Picture or description, it doesn't matter. But no anime.) Name: Age: (Minimum of 18 no offense but characters need to be grown.) Gender: Social Class: (Include hunter rank and real world job/title) Blood Taint: (Could be anything from vampires, werewolfs, etc... if you wanna go old school like Greek mythology tell me first.) Hunter's Specialty: (What do you slay best.) Weaponry: (You can have one ranged weapon bow, gun, throwing knives etc... and two hand held weapons) Personality: (Note we are hunters not no happy go lucky full of life person. Details on who they are inside and out.) Bio: (At least a descent paragraph preferably two detailing your character. How they became a hunter, I wanna know who they are.) Appearance: WIP Name: Duke Fredrick Abs Hauer Age: 46 Gender: Male Social Class: Grand Master / Duke of Bohemia Blood Taint: Werewolf/wolf Hunter's Specialty: Werewolf/wolf (Slight Speed/Strength boost.) Weaponry: [url=] Double Barrel Pistol[/url] Razor Whip [url=]Broadsword[/url] Personality: While Fredrick is a man of sophisticated class and the upper ranks of nobility, he hides behinds this facade. Illustrating the stereotypical traits of a noble class man, religious man and father. It is all a lie, except his regal birth. Beneath the high classed duke is a man that loathes his own class as the are much to frivolous and ignorant, pompous fools who do nothing but spend money. Many of them he would destroy if the opportunity arose. Besides the order and his immediate family, despite his wife being estranged to him. Are the only thing he holds close to his soul. Throwing away the church and religion alike, not openly but behind closed he curses them violently. Blaming them for the death of son, a fact that if it's brought up will quickly retaliate against the man/woman. Its this very notion that caused him to grow apart from his wife since she claimed Fredrick was too harsh and demanding on their son. Turning to his daughter, forced to bring her to his blood stained world instead of a proper woman. Something he never wished for. To his fellow hunters of rank or normal classed he is more than generous. Offer room and board along with many other amenities. Deeply respecting the hidden profession. Over recent years though the hunt has consumed him. Taking his anger out on beasts he slays without mercy or compassion. He isn't stupid about though, but with the apocalypse looming it will test his resolve beyond anything he had faced before. Bio:WIP