[@Silver Carrot] Aw pish posh, darlin'. :) ...really, 'advanced' has such a stigma attached to it, but it's totally understandable. I was always really afraid of it myself, but I'm trying to come out of my casual safe happy zone bit by bit. ...so I promise I won't be anyone to judge, this only is my second advanced group RP x.X Besides. Usually, your first choice/idea with some build up is best! (I'd say - and many of my previous multiple choice exams in school can attest to that) so don't you fret. [@Darcs] [@Shohmyoh] Personally, I don't mind waiting till everyone has their character in, because it most probably won't affect how done [s]rather, lack of done[/s] I am, concerning ideas for first post, etc. :) Your call though, Myoh. Or...Shoh. Really, I'm not sure...