Blissfully unaware of the danger that lurked ahead, France began to jaunt up to the man that seemed so intent on lying in that pile of debris. “Why would he choose there to rest? I’m sure there’s a comfier spot around here…” Although, around here just so happened to be a decimated hell-scape, so maybe not. It was the incredibly loud attempt at stealth that pushed the girl into a state of unease, her heart thumping and her eyes roaring open at the unknown sounds of heavy movement and rattling metal. This was the making of horror tales, and so inclined to not end up like all the ill-fated characters of these grim stories, France made it her mission to find out what had spooked her. Frantically looking about, she could only jump at the sight of something leaping through the shattered remains of a storefront and crashing down with a gut-wrenching clatter. The wary woman took a step back, hand hovering unsteadily over her handgun. “H-hello? Who’s there? Show yourself!” France had expected a vocal response, whether it be a voice or a feral growl of some sort, but the gunshot that rang in her ears proved to be enough to send her over the edge. Without second thought, she bolted to the first sign of cover that she could find, managing to duck behind a ruined town car fairly close to where her weary half man half machine acquaintance rested. The sight of him standing with his weapon combined with the sounds of battle brought memories of sitting in class learning about the Great War, and the massive carnage that ensued on those warfronts. But this couldn’t end so terribly, right? “Drahma help me, I don’t wanna die! Not now!” Yelping in fear when the android collapsed, France skittered over, kneeling over him in attempt to discover one thing; why? “You… You’re so pale! What’s happened, are you hurt?” Noticing the soda in his grasp, and not finding signs of any apparent wounds, she did the only thing she could. Bringing the cola to his lips, France gently tipped the bottle so he could sip the fizzy elixir. “You’re gonna be alright… Stay with me…”