[H1]EDGE[/H1] He wouldn't say another word till getting back. It seemed like the most important members have heeded the call. Oddly enough they we're all in Nancy's office, each one pissing and moaning about what should have been. He listened to each one carefully. Do they not see it? The bigger plan, the plan that would put Metahumans at the top. Such foolishness. "The Reformist's have shown their hands. They have no one that can stop us and the plans that have been set into motion. This is merely the first salvo in the war too come. Small and measured testing that will lead to much bigger things. War is a marathon, not sprint. What comes next will be the blood bath you've all wanted. Have no fear on that score." EDGE said as he took off his trench coat. He special assignments for each of them, a church here, a hospital there. Chaos will rub rampant before they take over and resort order. "Savor this small victory. What comes next won't be near as easy." EDGE with certain malice in his voice.