[b]Brooklyn, New York - Outside Mary's Diner [/b] Jason laughed when Mallory made that comment about the Men in Black movie. Now more then ever he was glad he went through with this plan, he instantly liked the vibe she was giving off. But as she spoke he couldn't help but peek into her mind a little, not digging deep but just to catch some surface thoughts. Being able to read minds, and hear what people thought versus what they said out-loud had made him somewhat skeptical of people, and in a sense slightly paranoid so it was a bad habit he couldn't really help. He couldn't help but smile when he caught a few thoughts about her attraction to him, especially since it was mutual. "Storm huh?" He said wondering what exactly she could do with her power. it seemed each evolved human he'd ran into managed to out do themselve's from invisibility to teleportation to being able to manipulate the weather itself. [i]That power is so....incredible.[/i] "That was awesome! Now I know who to blame if we have some shitty weather ."He said jokingly as she introduced herself and he held his hand out to shake hers." Jason, and trust me you're not keeping me from anything that I can't put off till later. ." Jason was taking out his phone as Adrien was making his way outside and he was putting in his password going to contacts. "Hey why don't you put in your number, I'd love to hang out with you later, like an X Men team up." He said the last part jokingly as he handed her his phone and put his hand on Adrien's shoulder. "Yeah I had something I wanted to show you look at this." Jason used his power focusing to drag both him and Adrien into an illusion. He could see a mansion around them and piles of money everywhere, and in a nearby room a bunch of people sitting at a business table indulging in expensive champaign and an expensive steak dinner. [i]See all this, this is a life worth living. I've got a business quite a few of them and I'd love to offer another person with powers that's hard working a chance to join. Not only because I could use the help but..I've been hearing a-lot of thoughts about bad stuff people are going to try to do to people like us. So I think it's in our best interest, and by that I mean everyone with powers to try to get as much influence in society as we can..to help stop the world from doing stuff to us..[/i] As Jason communicated with him telepathically the scenery shifted to a prison camp where people were being experimented on evolved humans without concern for their well being, and several armed soldiers were seen outside various rooms, and even shot down two evolved humans trying to flee the facility. The illusion ended and Adrien found himself in the same spot. He reached into his pocket and took out a business card with an address for a facility in New Jersey, and the words The Enterprise. He slid the card into Adrien's hand. "We're called the Enterprise and our goal is to gain influence in society political, economic, law enforcement, and in some cases even criminal when necessary. We want to gain this influence in order to benefit both other evolved humans to prevent stuff like what I showed you in those visions and to use our power to make the world an overall better place. Take some time to think about it, my business number is on that card as well. " [b]Los Angeles, California[/b] Blaire was taking another sip of her drink, then another. She wasn't trying to get too too fucked up anymore, but that plan was going out the window with everything in her system. But she'd decided not to take any more of her prescription for sure, as that was a recipe for a complete disaster. She grabbed the remote and turned off the TV then grabbed her keys. It was time to go to Elena and tell her what was going on. Her phone buzzed and she took it out and felt relief wash over her seeing it was her friend. [i]Hey Elena! :) :) I'll be over to your spot real soon! I'm on my way now.[/i] Blaire hit send then put the cup down and grabbed her stuff then headed out to the parking lot. Shortly after wards she was in her car which wasn't the best idea, but she figured a drunk driving charge was the least of her problems if the government wanted to assassinate her. She took her time, and luckily her friend wasn't too far not to mention she was feeling her medication more then the alcohol. Soon she was parking her car, and making her way outside Elena's door knocking. "Heyy it's Blaire!!"[i] Come on open uuuup!!! I hope that CIA bitch was lying about her boss.[/i]