[Spruce] Celes tried to get the group to fight, but they just laughed at her, as if they already knew what she was trying to accomplish with that statement. Kamina then coiled around my general area, and due to our comparative sizes, it actually worked, and not only that, but it worked well. All of the sneasel tried to use Ice Shard on me and oddly enough, one of them used pursuit instead, only to fail and hit Kamina, instead, the koffing came next, and they seemed to be trying to spread their poisons by using Poison Gas on as many of us as they could... oddly enough, some of the gas actually found its way to me, but I didn't get poisoned, or even would have noticed it if it wasn't visible, this ended with the swarm of zubat splitting up and trying to use Supersonic on everyone, well, everyone except M, who they were afraid of, and at this point, I didn't blame them. He must have malfunctioned somewhere in this fight as he was angrily narrating everything that he was doing... as well as making threats, and telling the rest of the team to move out of the way. His entire body was covered in arcing lightning, and there was some sort of darkness forming around him as well thanks to the dark scar that Desia left on him. I did exactly that, jumping over Kamina and running away from the opposing team until I felt I was a safe enough distance from whatever M was planning to do with them, and with Kamina who I assumed was completely on board for this, as it seemed to be right up the alley, and was spoken in his language, shouting. I could only imagine what M might be up to, but it probably has something to do with soaking them and then electrifying them. [hr] [Bonnie] Tini tried to pull me back, but I was too quick for him, and William decided to start helping by changing into a joltik, and running around the place, luring the gallade away from me, and away from the other prisoners. "Thanks, William!" I shout back at him. I then turn back towards Tini, and ask "Tini, would you mind helping me with this? Use your badge to teleport as many of these prisoners back to the guild... here, this will help," I then throw Tini a quick seed, and run off to teleport more of the victims, managing to teleport two of them back before I wonder where Eralion ran off to. The gallade was still completely distracted by William, who really took a huge risk doing what he did, and I noticed an odd trend in my father's victims... they were all big, and tough. A salamence, a rhydon, an aggron... and yet, the bidoof from our mission was, at one point, here. Maybe it was just because he intruded on my father's property, or because he knew something. Something that could potentially put my father away for life. Of course, given the circumstances, and what I've witnessed in the basement, it was more than likely that it was both. The bidoof 'broke into' my father's house, and stumbled upon either a literal or metaphorical skeleton in the closet, and got caught by my father, who wasn't hungry, thank goodness for that, and wanted another long-term victim, much like I was. Yes... was, there's no way I'm staying here, even if I get caught, even if I end up in that jail cell, I WILL break out again, and this time, it won't take a year, it'll be instant. [hr] [Nina] The abra was the next to fall from Chip, and he said something about the other nidoran being ready to drop, however, I already knew my target, the aron who was still trying to find an oran berry in desperation. The rhyhorn who was trying to tackle Chip seemingly changed its course at the last second, resulting in a miss. The thing looked at me with a look of either stupidity or confusion, and started charging in some random direction, running into a tree, and a couple rocks that were behind the tree due to his sudden confusion. I then finished off the aron with a double kick, which flung it into yet another tree this time, and look towards the sleeping nidoran, who finally decided to wake up, only to notice most of his team gone. "H-how!? When!? J-just who do you think you are to destroy most of my team while I take a nice, long nap, huh!?" angry at us, the nidoran tried another one of his shadow-tackle things on Rebecca, and normally, I would have taken the hit for her, but I was too far away to do that... well, that and I just took a tackle from the rhyhorn who shouted random words without building a coherent sentence "ORAN BERRY YELLOW GUMDROP PLUM!" I had... NO idea what he meant from that sentence, if you can call it that, other than he was probably hungry, or had a very poor grasp on language... well, then again, he was confused at this point, so that probably contributed to it. Of course, his tackles still hurt, and I was flung two feet further away from Rebecca, and was now on my side trying to make sense of why he'd put those five words in that exact order, or even say them without other words to tell everyone what he's thinking. [hr] [Anthony] Once Josh used confusion on the zubat with the dented head, TWO of them seemed to take damage, with one of them almost flickering out of, and then back into existence. [i]What in the world...? I guess that one's an illusion, but shouldn't there have been more illusions?[/i] I think before I hear M shout some narration, as well as shouting for everyone to get out of the way. I tried to move away from the enemies as fast as I could, which wasn't all that fast, mainly due to the fact that the enemy got the chance to attack me, as well as... what the heck was Kamina doing? Either way, I took a supersonic and had no idea which way was which. It seemed as though everything was scrambled, not just my vision, but my hearing, sense of smell, and sense of touch, as well. "Who on turned crazy the?" I end up saying, even my speech scrambled due to the horrible attack. Whatever M was planning... it was probably going to hit me, as well. I wasn't sure if I was going to live through it, either, and yet, I couldn't even string together the proper sentence explaining that I was in trouble. I tried, once, but it ended up as "Grass help bug need door now," yes, even my speech was scrambled and encoded in some weird way. I honestly don't know if anyone was trying to crack the code, but I knew it would take them a while... too long, of course, to be of assistance. I still had some rational thought left, so I decided against attacking, and simply tried my best to move away from the enemy... of course, with the way everything was, even I knew that I was heading in some random direction, or worse, was moving towards the giant attack instead.