[b][color=2e3192]Cleo Vauch Lightkeep[/color][/b] As he was waiting, and waiting, and waiting for something to happen, someone approached Cleo. [i]"You seem like you're having fun." He quipped, noticing the impatient foot tapping of the defender. "This all you do in the Kingsguard?"[/i] The boy had asked. Cleo sighed and moved his black hair out of his eyes. "No, its not all we do. We protect the royal family of course. My superior just wants me to be on guard for the night is all. But gods damn is it fucking boring. Nothing is happening and everyone is asleep!" He frowned. But then turned his attention on the boy."Well, ALMOST everyone. What the fuck are you doing up?" He asked, eyeing the boy suspiciously."Were you stealing or something?" He asked, mentally slapping himself. 'Yes cleo, of course someone is just gonna up and confess to a godsdamn crime.' He thought sarcastically. But, he was wondering what the guy was doing outside at such a late hour. It was rather suspicious. To Cleo, at least."You really shouldn't be out here so late at night, you know. Things could be lurking around every corner waiting at the chance to kill you. And that doesn't really sound like a good time to me." He said, unsheathing his sword and leaning on it like it was a cane.