[hider=Ghoul Lords]Name: Ghoul Lord Akhenaten; Ghoul Lord Sapthah Deathspan: Eternal Description: The two first ghouls, created personally by Thulemiz. These are two sentient and rather intelligent creatures, able to control and command their less intelligent ghoul brethren. Though physically as powerful as any other ghoul, they are more human in appearance, standing up straight and wielding weapons as well as wearing armour. As would be expected of beings that can control ghouls, they are rather capable necromancers and can cast various necromantic spells should the need arise. As with any ghoul, however, their forte is in the melee. They are technically Battle Brothers of the Hallowed Hundred. [hider=Ghoul Lord Akhenaten][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/90/66/7b/90667b741b6b0aa74c0a641b65374eed.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Ghoul Lord Sapthah][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/60/95/3d/60953dc27b87f01dc9aac494b27f8b3f.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Necromantic Creatures] [hider=Azeman][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6b/46/59/6b4659974d7c419a130caf921767d070.jpg[/img] The Azeman takes the form of a human female during the day but at night transforms into a large, blood-sucking bat. The Azeman, in her bat form, then feeds by draining the blood of her victims. Azeman are obsessed with counting, and if seeds are scattered on the floor she will stop to count them all. During the day, the Azeman is indistinguishable from normal humans. She can walk around normally in sunlight and the fact that she is in fact dead is very difficult to detect. The blood from victims ensures that their body is not deathly cold, but actually has some heat to it through the day. Moreover, during the day her obsession with counting fades, only to return during the night. If an Azeman is preoccupied with enough things to count during the night, she can then be captured when the sun rises while she is still counting. Crushing her human head is usually enough to put her down permanently.[/hider] [hider=Banshee][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/db/78/38/db78381f85ff8bead27dc256dfecbd3d.jpg[/img] Banshees are restless spirits of females, either called up by necromancers or naturally occurring.In their natural state, these spirits live on in the material world because they fear to cross into the Astral Home where they will face the cleansing of their souls and the extraction of their memories, a process which souls can find rather torturous. The Banshee's appearance is varied. They are usually seen as a skull with hair and a flowing dress floating above the surface of the ground, though they can also appear as rather dark, shadowy creatures with wispy black hair and glowing red eyes. As banshees are ethereal creatures, like ghosts, they have the power to move through walls and other physical barriers. Banshees are well known for their howls of despair. This howl of the banshee brings death to those who hear it, or can alternatively greatly hurt those with magical protection. More powerful beings may be disoriented by the howl.[/hider] [hider=Bogeyman][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d9/f0/97/d9f09764d3cdbf2e9e2be3197036fd76.jpg[/img] The Bogeymen are malevolent ethereal creatures, though they can be either truly evil or simply trouble makers that in truth are harmless. Bogeymen are a type of shape changer, capable of moving objects and causing disruptions. Bogeymen tend to haunt a family much like a ghost, in some cases they can even befriend the family they haunt and become rather handy guardians. The Bogeymen tend to harm those that are liars or who commits 'evil' acts. Bogeymen are vague in appearance due to their ethereal state and the fact that they are shape changers. In their truest form, they resemble a large, glowing puff of dust.[/hider] [hider=Bogie][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130212044929/harrypotter/images/3/35/Peeves_Film_Concept.jpg[/img] A Bogie is a mischievous but harmless spirit that lives in darkness. It can be found living inside anything as long as there are shadows and darkness. Bogies favour places where people store goods which they no longer use, so a dusty attic can harbour a number of bogies, so too can Ialu's collection of 'treasures'. Bogies try to be stealthy, but by nature they are rather clumsy. They amuse themselves by hovering behind someone's back, creating a feeling of uneasiness, and removing the blankets on the bed during a cold night, and other such silly and entertaining things.[/hider] [hider=Ghost][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f5/db/41/f5db4127b1979116b80c228aa4474584.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6d/dc/c0/6ddcc05cd695d7fb599870f3f434a044.jpg[/img] Ghosts are naturlly-occuring spirits of the dead who are trapped in the physical world because they cannot rest, or have 'unfinished business'. Normally these creatures are free and cannot be controlled, but powerful liches and necromancers are able to bind these spirits to their will. Ghosts are ethereal creatures, meaning that they can move through solid objects, and are generally completely undetectable. Ghosts can not be harmed with physical weapons and magic can do very little against them (but then again, they can do very little against physical creatures). Only by laying the spirit to rest through exorcism or using blessed weapons can a ghost be 'defeated'.[/hider] [hider=Ghoul][img]https://i.warosu.org/data/tg/img/0385/40/1425777307753.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b5/88/c2/b588c21d253e01363531bac21898890a.jpg[/img] Created by Thulemiz by twisting and experimenting on two Dyun younglings, these undead creatures, bar the two originals, have only the slightest sentience and utterly subservient to the will of Thulemiz. When he is not close enough to command them, it is the two originals, the Ghoul Lords Akhenaten and Sapthah, who command them. These creatures are physically extremely powerful. Their bite is catastrophic and turns the victim into a ghoul within minutes. Though they are able to wield weapons, ghouls are in their element when they are let loose on enemies en masse and allowed to simply tear their foes apart with pure physical power. Being slightly sentient dead, they are rather sensitive to fire and sunlight. Lightening can char them or tear limbs from them, but they are rather bad conductors of electricity. It is impossible to drown them, as they are already dead, though blasts of water can knock them down or cause them to lose limbs. Crushing them is generally the best way to incapacitate them, though crushing their heads can put them down permanently.[/hider] [hider=Jack O'lantern][img]http://www.kotll.com/srd3.5/img/MonstersT-Z.Will_O_Wisp.jpg[/img] [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/8885/i/2006/304/a/0/happy_halloween_jack_o_lantern_by_genzoman.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Knocker][img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34100000/Brave-brave-34108077-442-500.jpg[/img] Knockers are naturally-occuring spirits that live deep in mines. They are good-natured spirits, which point out to miners where the rich veins are by making knocking sound, which is from where they get the name. Although they are friendly spirits, they like to play strange tricks on people. They change their faces to cause fear, or alternatively perform strange dances. The miners must leave part of their food for the Knockers or they become angry, bringing bad luck. [/hider] [hider=Lich][img]http://img01.deviantart.net/e2c9/i/2012/105/c/f/lich_by_mattdonnici-d4wbid5.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8e/cb/a6/8ecba689f3b2fbdf904b3aa45aec29bc.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c4/1a/4f/c41a4f649208512cb3010240705cf923.jpg[/img] Liches are terrifically powerful, sentient undead creatures. Once powerful necromancers, they have become powerful enough to live on after death as a Lich. They have the power to command the dead to do their biddings and are masterful necromancers, usually also able to use different forms of magic. Very powerful Liches are known as Lich Lords, and the greatest amongst those is undoubtedly a Great Lich Lord, creatures which are pretty much death incarnate. Very powerful liches are able to turn living or dead necromancers into lichee, and can even bind these powerful creatures to their will, though doing such requires a vast difference in power between the two liches.[/hider] [hider=Mummy][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e2/de/08/e2de089a2c7584d68af9e79a9c1c68c4.jpg[/img] Mummies are long dead and entombed creatures, bound up in a process called mummification in preparation for the afterlife. Their tombs are often cursed, and it is said that if the tomb is disturbed the vengeful mummy will come back to life to seek out the person who disturbed the tomb. These are rather powerful undead creatures, their one desire for revenge making them almost unstoppable. Necromancers can use these much like assassins by making a foe the target of their vengeance. They do not attack any other than their target and are largely impervious to Wi and physical attacks, the only way to stop them being to completely incinerate them.[/hider] [hider=Necromancer][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/68/a7/71/68a7714cfbac6941a0b9ea4737a9fb62.jpg[/img] A Necromancer is a powerful individual who is capable in the arts of necromancy. Their powers enable them to raise corpses from the ground to create armies of Skeletons and Zombies. Necromancers must harvest souls by going through a sacrificial ritual, although Astarte blessed Thulemiz and the Silent Six with the ability to harvest souls directly on the battlefield, giving them an immediate advantage over any necromancers who should ever arise. Necromancers can store these souls within physical objects or, if they are powerful, within themselves. Though it has not been tested, it is likely that powerful necromancers can devour souls to strengthen themselves and extend their lifespans.[/hider] [hider=Nightmare][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c7/09/f7/c709f78c9462a2266c61dd5aed8ead28.jpg[/img] Nightmares or Skeletal steeds are undead horses, camels, bulls and just about any rideable animal, and are among of the greatest aids to the undead. These are the bodies of steeds that are brought back to by necromantic powers. Nightmares, unlike mortal horses, have the ability to simply move through terrain that might be blocking their path. They can move through walls and dense vegetation with ease and difficult terrains do very little to hinder them.[/hider] [hider=Skeleton][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/aa/4e/f5/aa4ef5867999485eef398c6c2447f31d.jpg[/img] Skeletons are fallen creatures that have been summoned from beyond the grave. They are usually skeletons of fallen warriors in battles long past. Depending on how much of a soul is used to reanimate the Skeletons, it may be able to remember its past life very clearly, or it may simply remember snippets. Skeletons follow their master's orders without question - those being Necromancers or Liches, or those with delegates authority. Should a necromancer lose control of a skeleton, it can wonder mindlessly off and do its own thing, or if it is intelligent it can even gather other skeletons and undead around it. Groups of skeletons without a necromantic overlords are usually led by a Wight or other greater undead beings.[/hider] [hider=Terror] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/160/f/0/izabull_death_colossus_by_targete-d3ifq34.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/011/b/b/fleshcrafter_by_kerembeyit-d4m0bvm.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs37/f/2008/284/a/1/black_by_noah_kh.jpg[/img] Terrors are undead abominations put together by a particularly powerful necromancer. These creatures can vary in shape and size depending on the power of the necromancer. Generally, they are made up of many different dead creatures and can look anything from rather grotesque to eerily beautiful depending on the skill of the creator. More powerful Terrors can have multiple souls within them, making them extraordinarily powerful. This does mean, however, that they are very difficult to control and lesser necromancers can easily be overpowered by the will of the creature, particularly if the souls manage to unite into one. Depending on the will of the creator, these creatures may be capable of some rather advanced magics, usually necromancy in addition to others.[/hider] [hider=Vampire Bat][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9d/ee/ad/9deead159b502c08e5ad8f1d86b10b9a.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7e/79/84/7e7984291806b836cf4827b670fc8ba8.jpg[/img] Vampire bats are giant bats that suck the blood of other creatures to survive. They are associated with the Undead due to being the minions Vampires and Ghouls. Vampire bats can often be ridden into battle and can shapeshift into more humanoid forms to tear their enemies limb from limb.[/hider] [hider=Vampire][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fc/59/28/fc592890c7a97933f2840ca8efad6b64.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/82/f2/3c/82f23c130566f90858bea74138c47f70.jpg[/img] Vampires are very powerful undead creatures whose power is on par with that of liches, if they are in the later stage of their development. They retain their human appearance, though their skin hardens and becomes grey in colour. Their incisors can elongate at will and they can drain the blood from any creature to sustain themselves. Vampires tend to lean towards finery and the aristocratic existence, using their ability to crush the will of lower beings to create many servants to go about serving them. Vampire abilities include the ability to completely drain the blood of any creature, thus turning them into a vampire. Merely sucking the blood of a creature and leaving it alive will not cause said creature to turn into a vampire. A vampire can also lick the wounds left by its fangs to immediately heal them, thus leaving no mark. Those who are turned into vampires become the slaves of the one who turned them until the master sets them free or is destroyed. The more powerful a vampire is, the more vampires they can have as servants. Vampires who are enslaved can also turn and enslave others. If this grows, it can result in a vampire brood forming, with the 'Progenitor' as the overlord, and that can easily grow into something far greater. Vampires also have the ability to control rats, wolves and bats. They can vampirise bats, thus turning them into Vampire bats. A vampire can also crush the will of a lesser creature by gazing into its eyes, thus forcing it into servitude. This is a purely mental power, but can work on necromancers, liches, and other undead creatures with sentience. Those with minimal sentience can also be dominated, though this is nothing like necromancy. Vampires have the ability to transform into bats at will, thus gaining the ability to fly. In this form, however, they lose most of their natural vampire abilities. A vampire is also naturally resistant to cold and ice related magic, and to lightening too. Very agile, vampires can easily climb steep surfaces with spider-like skill, and are physically extremely fast and strong - easily able to outmatch a ghoul. They can slip into darkness and can move without making a sound, while simultaneously being very alert and able to detect the slightest movements and sounds. If in life the vampire had unlocked its magical capabilities, it will be able to use magic as a vampire, but will not be able to had it not been a magic user in life. Those vampires who are magic users can develop into fearsome beings indeed, able to match a lich in power. Vampires are, upon turning, extremely weak and vulnerable and have very little control over their lust for blood. They are easily dominated by other vampires, necromancers or liches. As they grow, their power naturally increases and their ability to control their lust for blood rises, and their power naturally increases over time, even if they do not train themselves, albeit rather slowly. [/hider] [hider=Wights][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/47/95/52/4795523f3d813bff756c1f9d0e2ac747.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2c/9f/d2/2c9fd2b1162cfcadfd14e9386dcdd156.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6d/64/3f/6d643f30b2b6f4c934e1cbfe356fbd23.jpg[/img] Wights are not unlike skeleton warriors, but they are fallen warriors and knights who were buried with their gear. Alternatively, they can be raised and armed at a later point. Wights are more powerful than skeletons, usually having a whole soul within them, and are normally put in charge of skeleton or zombie contingents. Contingents of Wights are led by Great Wights and are far more powerful than the masses of skeleton and zombie soldiery.[/hider] [hider=Winged Nightmares][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/48/d4/89/48d48930e5799caa1328388e83932a32.jpg[/img] Winged nightmares are monsters with wings brought back to life. These include Griffons, Hippogrifs, Dragons, Manticores and other such beings. These creatures are more difficult to raise from beyond the grave compared with the normal nightmares, though taking control of those already in existence is a rather simple matter for a skilled necromancer.[/hider] [hider=Wraith][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6b/8b/f4/6b8bf49b89afc308ff3235edac0d64db.jpg[/img] Wraiths are souls harvested by a necromancer which are then forced into the physical plane. This unnatural act causes the souls to blacken completely and fills them with a furious anger towards all physical beings. Wraiths remain ethereal creatures, so they can move through solid objects. The presence of a wraith brings terror and they are noted for the area of extreme coldness around them. Those attacked by a Wraith are generally frozen in place by their terror before the Wraith's icy fingers fall upon the victim's soul and pulls it out. Wraith can also do physical damage by greatly increasing their cold, deathly auras to a level which causes bodies to freeze upon contact. While normal weapons cannot harm wraiths, fore-based magics can drive them off and various forms of exorcism can force them back into the spiritual plane. Those who are capable necromancers can attempt to overwhelm the wraith or alternatively tear the very soul to shreds.[/hider] [hider=Zombie][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/06/39/ca/0639cade27608fcde0fbd9d1183b43f6.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/42/5a/d6/425ad6412d4faa075cc7b784282076b8.jpg[/img] Zombies are freshly dead corpses which are brought back to life. Unlike their skeleton counterparts, these creatures actually have flesh on them. If an entire soul was used to raise them, they will still have their own sentience and personality, which can be rather horrific for both the zombie and its friends and family when it kills them with its own hands or weapons.[/hider][/hider]