Lance had finished with his tests when he saw a girl being harrassed. One thing he really hated was bullies especially those who pick on little girls. He approached the man who was harassing her. [color=f49ac2]"The lady asked you leave her alone..." [/color]Lance said with his arms crossed. When the boy turned around to look at Lance he was quickly met with a punch right into his face, knocking him to the ground. [color=f49ac2]"Seriously, you should know better than to pick on girls, haven't you learned any manners?"[/color] Lance said to him with his arms crossed again. The boy scurried off after this covering his bleeding nose. [color=f49ac2]"I swear some of the guys here just don't know how to properly treat a lady, or even know how to act when in public."[/color] Lance said watching as the boy scurried off pushing others out of the way. [color=f49ac2]"You alright there?" [/color]Lance asked the girl with the cat ears who was being picked on.