[center] [img]http://i59.tinypic.com/72r341.jpg[/img] [h3][color=7ea7d8][i]Ailís Muirgheal Doyle[/i][/color][/h3] _____________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center] The buzzing of chit chat and laughter brought Ailís’ attention back. Her section of the room was finally complete, dry and barren, mind you, but complete nonetheless. The cream bed sheets she loved were tightly strewn over the mattress, and her pillow was fluffed perfectly. Standing against the wall beside her bed was her sleek, ruby red [url=http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB16DxDHFXXXXaSXpXXq6xXFXXXq/-4-4-Cello-case-Glass-fiber-Waterproof-Strengthen-High-quality-Black-red-yellow-blue-1pcs.jpg]cello case[/url], Gersvinda tucked inside. Any shelves she had were bare except for a small stack of etudes and concertos Ailís brought for her cello. She knew if she needed anything, there was always the library for her reading needs. Hiding beneath her bed was a small stash of [url=http://www.myscienceproject.org/hwcandy/hwcandy_11.jpg]wrapped candies[/url] she had managed to sneak past her parents before coming. While the blonde teen’s parents didn’t agree with her love of sweets, Ailís couldn’t live without a cavity-inducing, sugary treat. Ailís’ hands flattened her crinkling, paper-like sheets on top of the stiff mattress she would spend her nights in for the next year. A summer away from the Horse House of Star Ocean Academy had been spent practicing her abilities, and she was only slightly proud that she could finally make it through an entire night without sleepwalking (a bad habit she had gotten into while at the school a year before). Perhaps this year, the young junior would finally be able to open up to others. While helping people was always her priority, she often cowered away from real friendships and relations. [i][color=7ea7d8]I wouldn’t like someone who invaded my privacy either[/color][/i], Ailís thinks to herself before bending over to grab a sucker from her stash. At least sweets had her back. Without a second thought, she shoves a big handful of shiny wrapped goods into her pants pockets before heading out of her room. People smiled and waved at each other as they passed, old friends exuding joy. The feelings made Ailís smile as she hovered over to the common room of the Horse House, admiring the pure colors that highlighted their halls ensign. Ailís’ steel-plated eyes skittered over the people bobbing by, and she noticed the new Orion, for their house this year. [color=7ea7d8][i]Edmund, was it?[/i][/color] She didn’t know many people, and he was no exception, but Ailís stared at him carefully. What had he done to earn this position? Was he as selfless as the other candidates? Though Ailís knew the system worked fine, she knew how students often viewed the Orions. Would this stranger abuse that?