Sapphire put her hand over her chest as she felt the burning sensation. As soon as it was gone she wondered what that was, but she decided there are more important things that needed to be attended to. Her exceptional hearing had picked up the faint sound of struggle and a yelp in the opposite direction and she knew she had to investigate. Despite her final interaction with the other trainees ending on a sour note she knew they were her teammates after all. And if they needed help, she'd be ready to provide it. She backtracked all the way to where the remains of the harpy still laid in the clearing. She could hear movements just past the clearing in the forest and decided the best course of action is to remain in cover. As she observed an Ironback emerged from the woods. Fearing she would be discovered she decided to launch a preemptive strike. Using her signature air burst spell she enhanced her jump out of cover and several weaker ones were used to increase her sprinting speed but she stopped herself just as Alexander showed up next to the Ironback. Sliding to a halt in front of them she just stood there in front of the two with her Kris in the hand. “It’s . . . his yours?” She asked with uncertainty in her voice. The mere fact that the beast wasn't already attempting to maul her was an answer in itself and she began slowly putting her Kris in it's sheath behind the cloak.