Ena shook his hand and turned when another girl came up to him with a bunch of candy. Ena giggled softly at the situation and she said "well, I hope sharing some of that'll make this situation a bit better." She smiled at the blue haired girl before venturing into her bag and grabbing a lollipop wrapped in a gold colored plastic. She held it out to the girl with a soft expression. "My grandpa owned a candy shop and taught me how to make them myself. I make and sell them, but this is on the house." She looked up at Noel and grinned. "I'll give you one too, if you want" she said with a playful wink. Then she heard the dreaded "who's next?" for finding out fates. Her heart raced and she said to the two "well, I guess I'll go" before walking over and preparing for her destiny. She took a few of the tests and found out what she would be: a very powerful headmaster of a school. She looked down as power welled in her gut and she gasped. She can… change her armor?! Her eyes widened as her clothing changed from a shirt and jeans to a full length, blue skirt and a pinkish purple tank top.