Marcus stood across from one of his many mentors, Wildcat. Atlas (or Green Lantern, which ever you prefer to call him) had only recently started working on his boxing with Ted Grant. Ted was [i]the[/i] best boxer on the planet, bar none. Most people would consider it an honor to have an afternoon alone with the guy. But Marcus? Marcus was a [i]Green Lantern.[/i] He'd met the Guardians of the Universe. He fought side by side with Hal Jordan and Jon Stewart every other day. Marcus had traveled across the cosmos, defending entire solar systems from catastrophe. He didn't feel honored to stand in the presence of some man. The guy could throw a mean right hook, though. He definitely had that going for him. "Hands up, Marcus. We're going again." Wildcat ordered, his own hands ready. The Russian boy sighed, bringing his hands up in front of his face and placing his right foot forward. Marcus was a southpaw, so he led with his right hand and used his left to deliver his most powerful blows. "Hit me." Wildcat commanded. Marcus smiled, more than happy to oblige. Atlas took a quick step forward and threw a pair of quick jabs with his right hand. Ted parried both attacks with ease. "Faster, Marcus. Hit me!" Marcus grit his teeth and threw another three jabs faster than before. Wildcat parried the first two and weaved away from the third. "Stewart told me you could fight, but I've seen princesses who could throw a better punch than that." Marcus exploded forward, unleashing a barrage of jabs and crosses. [color=00a651]"I'm just warming up old man!"[/color] Wildcat back peddled as his younger opponent went on the offensive. He dodged, parried and weaved. Not a single blow landed on the fighter as he showed his mastery of the art of boxing. [color=39b54a]"Come on!"[/color] Marcus yelled in frustration. The Green Lantern threw all of his weight into a wild haymaker. Wildcat scoffed and moved out of the way with the greatest of ease. "Seriously?" Ted Grant moved around Atlas' side and unleashed a hail of punches into the Titan's side. Marcus grunted, falling to the floor. [color=39b54a]"Ow."[/color] He muttered. "Get up." Wildcat pulled his new pupil to his feet, patting him on the shoulder before crossing to his side of the ring. "Now come at me. Keep focused, and keep your head down." Marcus breathed in deeply as he brought his bare fists up. He glanced at his ring for a moment, before turning back to Grant and crossing the boxing ring. The two fighters met in the middle, and Marcus started the fight with a left hook. Wildcat ducked under the attack and slammed his fist into Marcus' bare chest. Atlas took in a sharp breath as he struggled to breathe. Ted waited until Marcus was ready before attacking again. Atlas launched a pair of jabs and a cross, which Wildcat dodged and countered with a pair of jabs of his own. [color=39b54a]"This isn't really fair, I hope you know. Feels like you're wearing brass knuckles."[/color] Wildcat smirked, sending a jab at Atlas' face. Marcus blocked the attack and returned with a right hook to Wildcat's side. [color=39b54a]"Like hittin' a guy in plate armor."[/color] He muttered as the two continued their dance. "There are trade-offs." Wildcat continued the conversation as he tried to uppercut Marcus, which the Russian promptly dodged. "I'm slower. More vulnerable." Marcus tried an old one-two combo, which Wildcat parried and countered. "Still faster than I am." Marcus said as he pounded on Wildcat, who didn't bother to dodge. [color=39b54a]"Ah, hell."[/color] Marcus grunted as he took a step back, rubbing his hands together. Ted just laughed. [color=39b54a]"Laugh at this!"[/color] Marcus leaped into the air, spinning around. Moments before impact a green light construct surrounded Marcus' leg. His foot connected with Wildcat's nose, a look of surprise on the older fighter's face as his head went flying off his shoulders. "Nice kick. But could you have telegraphed it more?" [color=39b54a]"Like you saw that coming."[/color] "Of course I did. Now pick up my head." Atlas jumped out of the boxing ring and jogged over to the decapitated head of Ted Grant. Marcus picked Wildcat's head up and climbed back into the ring. He reattached the boxing champion's head to his still-standing body. Wildcat tried to move, but his arms flailed erratically and refused to follow his commands. "Well, that's great. You broke it. Didn't even do it legally, either. You just had cheat." Marcus rolled his eyes and went to wipe himself clean of sweat with a towel. [color=39b54a]"Like I'd ever beat you at boxing. Not that I need to. Muay Thai is more flexible."[/color] Wildcat's form disappeared, leaving behind a metal skeleton. "Get Julian to fix this robot and I'll school you at Muay Thai too. Been trained in that since before you were born." Suddenly Guardian's voice came over the intercom. "Titans, we have work to do." Marcus pumped his fist in the air in excitement. A green light washed over Atlas as his costume replaced his boxing shorts and he began to levitate.[color=39b54a] "Finally, some action!"[/color] He yelled as he flew out of the room. "3, 2...1..Annnddd." Duncan's groan came back over the intercom as he announced the false alarm. Marcus groaned from the hallway as Wildcat merely chuckled, disconnecting from the training robot. --- Ding! The elevator opened on the top floor, Marcus stepping out in casual attire. Donning a Batman hoodie and a pair of jeans, the young Green Lantern made his way inside the room and walked towards the living room. Atlas jumped over the couch and landed with practiced ease on the sofa, grabbing the remote and turning on the massive television. Marcus put his feet up on the coffee table as he started to flip through the channels. [color=39b54a]"Boring. Boring. Weird. Boring."[/color] Atlas nearly gave up before he found the perfect show: The Sports Channel. [color=39b54a]"Here we go." [/color] Marcus leaned farther back into his seat and watched as the commercials ended and the Football game began. [color=39b54a]"Was that a joke, Q? I swear, I can never tell when you're joking."[/color]