Celes, who heard what was happening with M, quickly moved away, moving away from all the supersonic, knowing full well that being confused here might mean victory or defeat for her. She quickly got away, only to unfortunately get hit by one supersonic. She then started to wobble around, trying her best to not to move towards where M was. She continued to move before in her confusion hearing Anthony talking gibberish. She then tried to say something. "Bob return save, must glob year you," she then says, shaking as she moved a bit more away, before wobbling to the right and hitting a tree. She then move a bit more away, shaking her head. god dang confusion. She should have brought some kind of berry to counter it... something to stop it from happening to her. She shook herself. "Tree run must... cook crazy metal from." she says as she moves away more, hitting another tree. She was far away now, but she had a good bump on the side of the head now from hitting those trees. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Eralion, who had finish his trap, quickly moved away and went to help the team, only to see a Gallade chasing a joltik around as Bonnie went to save people. He stared for a bit. "What in the..." he says, before quickly moving and helping Bonnie to free the prisoners. "Sorry it took some time... I had to prepare something in case your dad were to get out of those book cases." he says, before using his own badge also to teleport prisoners, using karate chop to break any link that were there. He looked at Bonnie as she had given a quick seed to Tini. "I hope you have a quick seed also for me..." he says, ready to eat the seed quickly if Bonnie gave one to him. The faster they free the prisoners, the better. He just hoped that the trap he made would stop Bonnie's father and make it easier for the group to escape. With how strong these guys were, it was best to use all the resources in their disposition to try and win this.