[b]Suna Kumoshita[/b] Upon seeing the huge grin on Keiko's face, Suna knew that their definition of 'friend' differs in troublesome ways. Naturally, he had no intention to let himself be her henchmen. He had always disliked being roped into any sort of responsibility, especially the ones that revolve around causing trouble. But he felt that she also considered his suggestion seriously. After receiving the notebook, Suna couldn't help but draw a long breath as his eyes landed on the comically important 'FRIEND' written on the page. "Aren't you enthusiastic?" he said, his unwavering smile barely changing. He then introduced himself, "I'm Suna Kumoshita, of Class 1-C. You can call me Suna, as all my friends do." He found it odd that Keiko didn't mention her year. For all he know she might be an upperclassman. Not that it matters much for Suna; he most likely wouldn't act differently around his peers or his seniors. Suna closed the notebook and returned it into his bag in a completely innocuous manner, "'Friends', then." he said. He deliberately ignored that part about her asking him a 'favor', in order to left her offer with an ambiguous non-answer. While he waited for Keiko's reaction, his eye caught once more the student council president's figure. Quite a distance away, talking to a fairly tall, oddly expressionless boy. He hoped Keiko's little show earlier went unnoticed.