[@Slendy][@Savi] [color=BBFFFF]"Well, of course I was angry! If you're going to carry this kind of stuff, at least do it properly! It doesn't grow on trees! Or at least not enough trees!"[/color] In any other situation, she probably would have been completely distracted by the candy practically just shedding from him. Really, it was still hard as it was to focus with all those fantastic colors and scents just...everywhere. It was enough to make her own mouth water. Snatching the handfuls of candy presented, the grumbling girl pulled a handkerchief from her dress pocket using her other hand and wrapped it up, pulling a ribbon from her own hair to tie it securely before thrusting the package back in the boy's face. [color=BBFFFF]"Honestly, 'appreciate more than anyone I'll ever know.' Like you even know!" [/color] The voice of another girl caught her attention quickly enough following the confrontation. Turning around to suddenly be bribed with another of the tantalizing treats managed to catch Pico off guard, however, making it visibly difficult to maintain the tough front she had been keeping. It smelled amazing. Even with the wrapper still on, she could pretty much imagine the taste of it. Biting her lip, she took the fancy-wrapped sweet and looked away. [color=BBFFFF]"Y-you might as well know that they're actually good, anyway. Dissatisfactory sweets for sale would be far more criminal."[/color] It was hard to resist just eating it at that moment. There would be a proper time, however, and now was not this time.