Jackson tossed the telephone aside, allowing it to roll and the wires to snap.It was a fate the telephone did not deserve- being discarded in non-American sludge. Being made in America, the pole at least deserved a proper burial. Andrew Jackson only gave it a salute before reaching down to pick up his gun. He saw that Abe was running fast towards him, already doing away with the eagle and fairly easily as well. Quickly, Jackson throttled about with the barrel, attempting to unjam it. Then he noticed a feather of the eagle he had recently created on the ground, the tip just barely untouched by the sludge. The president smirked, plucking the feather and dipping it into the gun's barrel and waving it about like a brush as he closed distance with the ghul. "As long as this soil remains American" Jackson stated, pointing the gun at Abe, sticking it directly at his chest. "As long as this soil remains American, it will remain FREE! And I intend to keep this ground as FREE and AMERICAN as it can for a really long time. You hear?" Then, Andrew smelt the foul sludge closer than it was- likely because the ghul was right in his face. Also because some of the sludge got on him. The liquid goop burned through Andrew's shoes and clothing, some of it getting on his skin. He felt a burning sensation, and quickly tried to shake it off- but not before re-adjusting the sight of his gun to aim properly at Abe. Jackson shrugged off the pain and began fire his M16. Suddenly, he heard something drip. It was light, but the sound was loud enough for Andrew to hear- the sludge had dissolved through the barrel of his gun. "Fucking shit! You dirty commie! Ruining my perfectly AMERICAN gun!" Jackson shouted. Not taking the hint, he shot the gun- only for it to backfire. A bullet shot forth, but there was another small explosion which caused Andrew to jump back.